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Cloud Computing Certification: Accelerating Your Career in Chennai

Published On: August 2, 2023

Modern technology environments are drastically changing as a result of the expansion of cloud computing, including the upgrading of success skill sets. The ability to accurately extract business results from investments in public cloud, hybrid cloud, and private cloud approaches is crucial for staff members and leaders as more and more organizations go through strategic digital transformations that are specifically designed to leverage cloud power.

We offer cloud computing certification training in Chennai so that you can position yourself to accelerate your career in the field. Get prepared to take advantage of this chance and face the next stage in your cloud computing career path.

Importance of Learning Cloud Computing

The cloud computing business is currently experiencing its best period for jobs, said the tech experts. Through the adoption of DevOps and Agile, businesses are continuously modernizing their IT infrastructure and implementing cloud-based workflows and environments. The need for experts in the cloud has thus increased significantly.

The IT industry has the highest-paying experts in the U.S., where the market is particularly booming. The boom is not limited to certain technical positions in particular. The demand for professionals with knowledge of sales, IT financial management, and cloud brokerage is also very high.

Importantly, since it involves more than just technical knowledge, mentioning cloud leadership is not necessary for a successful cloud career. Even more than on-premise IT strategies, the cloud demands the ideal business skill balance. There are a variety of cloud leadership and career skills, ranging from fundamental technological cloud competencies to a leadership skill set.

Major Cloud Computing Services to Know

The three primary categories of cloud computing services are infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platforms-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS).


Organizations can access pay-per-use computer resources through this cloud-based service, including servers, storage, networking, and data center space.


To support the complete building lifecycle and to deliver web-based applications without the expense and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software, a cloud-based environment with everything is required.


On faraway machines owned and managed by cloud service providers, the cloud-based application operates. Pay-per-use users can access this via the Internet.

The Future of Cloud Computing

The control and access levels inside an organization are now significantly impacted by cloud computing. With a huge increase in flexibility and agility, it can now radically alter any IT model. Cloud-savvy professionals are in greater demand than ever, and this demand depends on the popularity of the specific technology.

The use of the cloud is expanding. Spending on public cloud services will increase from $270 billion in 2020 to $354.6 billion in 2023, according to Gartner.

Technology for businesses has changed as a result of the cloud. Numerous business processes now use cloud applications and services—anything from remote work to software development to infrastructure management. Cloud computing is no longer only a tool. The cloud is being used by companies of all sizes and in all sectors for a wide range of use cases.

Top Cloud Computing Trends and Predictions


Multiple cloud services, either public or private, are referred to as multi-cloud. The service is obtained through many cloud service providers.

Advanced Security

AI and Machine Learning are being integrated with security in the cloud. It helps automate the process of threat identification and prevention.

Edge Computing Over Datacenter

127 new IoT devices reportedly connect to the internet every second, according to a McKinsey study. The construction of data centers is impacted by this. Businesses now require data centers nearer the data source.


IoT and cloud computing are two technologies that are closely related since one gives the other a foundation for growth.

Growth of Data Storage Capabilities

In the upcoming years, there will be an increase in demand for cloud data storage. As a result, data storage capacity will significantly rise in the years to come due to cloud computing.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence

The value of the AI market is anticipated to cross 89 billion dollars annually by 2025.

Serverless Computing

One of the top five Platform as a Service (PaaS) segments with the quickest growth was serverless. Between 2021 and 2026, the demand for serverless computing is anticipated to increase by 25%.

Container and Kubernetes

Container usage will increase as more cloud-specific apps are created. More than 85% of organizations will run containerized apps by 2024, according to Gartner.

Career Opportunities and Job Trends of Cloud Computing

With the growth in cloud computing adoption, there is a steady demand for these talents. According to a new Search Cloud Computing report, hiring IT employees with cloud skills has increased significantly.

There are several job options in cloud computing, including:

  • Cloud Architects
  • Cloud Security Specialists
  • Cloud Developers
  • Cloud Engineers
  • Cloud Support Analysts and many more

Although some IT workers view the advent of clouds as a threat, the majority of them see the technology as a chance to advance their careers. It has become necessary to comprehend which abilities are in greater demand before attempting to manage their cloud careers by following specific courses to get there.

So, if you want to land the next hot job and have a fulfilling and long-lasting career, you must improve your cloud skills. Rising cloud computing occupations largely fall into two categories: IT specialists with specialized cloud abilities and IT administrators with cloud architecture.

Companies are looking for specific skills in cloud computing, such as those provided by Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). So learning about and being an expert on these platforms would be very helpful for your profession.

Demand for Cloud Computing Skills

Cloud technology is needed by businesses to construct or replace their current data center infrastructure. Because they make life simpler for businesses and enable them to save money and valuable time, these services are in high demand. There is a large skills gap in the cloud industry, even though these are the most in-demand skills.

It’s the ideal moment to start a career in cloud computing if you’re a recent graduate or an IT professional searching for the best way to add new skills to your CV or upskill current ones, as demand for these talents is outpacing supply and there is a high level of demand for them.

Forbes estimates that 384,478 of the 3.9 million cloud-related jobs in the US are in the IT industry. There are currently 18,239,258 jobs in the field of cloud computing available worldwide, with a typical pay of 90,950 USD annually.

Forbes lists these three nations as the top three for jobs in cloud computing:

  • China was in first place with 7.5 million jobs.
  • The second-place nation was the USA, which had 4 million jobs.
  • India ranked third with 2.2 Million jobs.

These days, it’s typical to see job advertising specifying specific Cloud talents. AWS knowledge appears to be far and away the most popular, followed by knowledge of Google and Microsoft Azure. In the past six years, there has been a significant increase in the number of job posts requiring AWS expertise.

In-demand Job Titles in Cloud Computing

Many new opportunities are opening up as traditional IT job roles change and businesses shift to cloud and mobile computing. The following are the job titles associated with cloud computing:

  • Consulting Engineer Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing Solutions Architect
  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Management Sales Specialist
  • Cloud Corporate Sales Representative
  • Cloud Solutions Executive
  • Enterprise Cloud Architect
  • Senior Sales Engineer – Cloud
  • Visualization Cloud Engineer
  • Consulting Cloud Computing Engineer
  • High-Performance Computing
  • Cloud Computing Analyst
  • Cloud Computing Engineer
  • Software Engineer – Cloud Computing

Companies seeking Cloud Architects are looking for experts that are knowledgeable and capable of handling anything from business requirements to Cloud deployment.

The majority of employment jobs with the title “Cloud Architect” require technical expertise in strategic Cloud Computing, platforms, and providers, as well as the capacity to align technology with organizational objectives.

Who can opt for a Cloud Computing Career?

Anyone can pursue this career if they wish to work with AWS and begin a career in cloud computing technologies. Learning to use AWS will especially help Java developers position themselves in the cloud industry.

Java developers should begin understanding IaaS and PaaS services if they are interested in careers in the cloud. Software developers can benefit from the fact that cloud technologies are a perfect fit for many software development initiatives.

Tips for Accelerating Your Cloud Computing Career in Chennai

Adopt the Correct Mentality to Advance in Any Career

Let’s first speak about general job guidance because it pertains to your cloud computing career path before we get into the specifics of leveling up in your cloud computing profession. Anyone, including cloud experts, may utilize these five tricks to advance in their careers, according to a Forbes article. As follows:

  • Early in the morning, get up. This is a piece of advice that you’ll come across again when looking up ways to achieve, advance, become more efficient, etc. Of course, getting up earlier is important! Before you end today, make plans for tomorrow.
  • If you set goals for the following day the night before, you’ll be mentally prepared to accomplish them more productively.
  • Set more manageable, more modest goals. The essay advises doing less to attain more goals. We feel overwhelmed when we have 50 minor tasks on our to-do lists. We can gradually make progress if we can concentrate instead on the crucial tasks—those that advance our careers.
  • Do more, though. Along with doing less, the advice suggests doing more. Work towards your new career position by challenging yourself, pushing yourself, and never stopping to learn.
  • Set a specific, targeted aim. To prevent distractions that can cause you to veer off course, be clear on what you want and why you want it, and become laser-focused on that objective.

Before you delve into the mechanics of growing your cloud job, consider these five bits of advice, which apply to everyone in any field. Pay attention to them.

Determine Your Work Location

The following stage in mapping out your cloud computing career is deciding where you want to work. Do you desire the steadiness that comes with working for a multinational conglomerate? Or would you rather forego stability in favor of continual change by working at a startup? Do you want to work with a charity that is changing the world? Perhaps you wish to relocate to a different region of the world, in which case your choice of employer has more to do with location than industry. As you advance in your cloud career, knowing where you want to work will help you make other selections since it will help you decide what to learn (and do).

Increase Your Knowledge About Cloud Computing

If the understanding required is Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Azure, you’re off to a solid start but keep learning. Multi-cloud solutions are becoming more popular as businesses work to develop best-in-class solutions and reduce reliance on a single source. This could entail utilizing both AWS and Azure, mixing public and private clouds, software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) cloud solutions, or utilizing both AWS and Azure.

AWS skills are in high demand, but employers also seek a wide range of other technological expertise, including Python, Java, Azure, Agile, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Docker, and VMware, to name a few.

Certifications can advance your knowledge while also advancing your job because they raise your credibility. They are also simple to pursue. Cloud computing certifications are available in a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, covering everything from the fundamentals to advanced understanding. With certifications, you can gain other crucial skills like Apache Maven, Ansible, Git, and Blockchain, as well as much more detailed knowledge about any of the major cloud vendors.

Learn a New Approach

IT and traditional business practices have been affected by cloud computing, and it will continue to do so. Therefore, learning these innovative techniques will help you advance your career in cloud computing.

For example, organizations are working to link development and operations more closely, and the old silos are now viewed as inefficient. In order to improve communication and collaboration between development (Dev) and operations (Ops), approaches like DevOps are being adopted.

As a result, manufacturing cycles are shortened, the time to market is accelerated, and enterprises gain a competitive edge. The DevOps or a related concept-savvy cloud computing professional will also have an edge when moving up the corporate ladder.

Develop Better Communication Skills

Cloud computing experts are working more closely with other teams and participating in meetings and problem-solving sessions than ever before. A cloud architect, for instance, will probably spend a lot of time in meetings with sales representatives, department heads, or their teams. You might be interacting with a variety of external vendors and engaging in discussions with them.

As a result, a variety of cloud computing careers will require you to communicate well, which means you must also be a good listener. Make sure your communication skills are up to par as you strive to advance.

Increase Your Knowledge of Business Needs

If you want to progress your career in cloud computing, you should also learn more about the business side of things in addition to cloud computing technologies and novel methodologies like DevOps. Get out of the IT-centric perspective and consider a company’s overall strategy and goals. Make an effort to comprehend the rationale behind the requests and how cloud computing ambitions are related to a bigger corporate agenda.

Get Analytical Expertise

Finally, if you want to enhance your career in cloud computing, think about adding analytical skills to your skill set. Analytics is no longer only for data professionals. As we gather more data and utilize it to make data-driven decisions, almost everyone involved in a business will need a basic understanding of analytics. You will stand out if you are a cloud computing expert who can comprehend and report on statistics like consumption, expenses, and performance.

How Safe Is Cloud Computing?

Data security and platform security are major issues since software and data are kept remotely via cloud computing. Actions performed to safeguard digital assets and data kept on cloud-based services are referred to as cloud security. This data is protected using a variety of measures, including firewall services, VPNs, security tokens, and two-factor authentication (2FA).

Advantages of Cloud Computing

  • Being able to access software from any device via a browser or a native app is just one advantage that cloud-based software provides businesses from all industries. Because of this, users may seamlessly transfer their files and preferences from one device to another.
  • The use of cloud computing for file access is only the beginning. Users can access their email from any computer and store files using cloud computing services like Dropbox and Google Drive.
  • Users can back up their music, files, and photos using cloud computing services, ensuring they always have access to them in the event of a hard drive failure.
  • Additionally, huge corporations can save a ton of money in this method. Businesses had to spend a lot of money on costly information management infrastructure and technology acquisitions, building, and upkeep before the cloud was a practical alternative. Fast Internet connections can replace expensive server farms and IT staff in businesses, allowing workers to do jobs online by interacting with the cloud.
  • By utilizing the cloud infrastructure, people can save space on their desktops’ or laptops’ storage. Since software companies may now sell their products online rather than through more conventional, tangible channels like discs or flash drives, customers can now upgrade software more quickly.
  • Customers of Adobe, for instance, can access the programs that are a part of its Creative Cloud by purchasing an online subscription. Customers may easily obtain updates and fixes for their applications using this.

Wrapping Up

As the cloud expands, it will influence corporate technology in the future and offer some advantages. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, edge computing, and containers can be used to explain the increase in cloud spending. Businesses that want to expand must be ready to embrace the future. It’s crucial to stay current with cloud technology developments. Enroll in our Cloud Computing Training in Chennai at SLA Institute to prepare for the subsequent level on the cloud computing career ladder.

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