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Acceptance Testing: Ensuring Software Meets Customer Requirements And Expectations

Published On: May 3, 2023

In the software testing life cycle, acceptance testing comes last. Before a product can be released onto the market, there is a phase known as the customer decision phase. During this phase, the customer determines whether or not they want to purchase the product. The client will validate the hard work of the development team and the testing team collectively by deciding whether or not to accept the newly generated product. Learning about Acceptance Testing in Software Testing is more interesting when we learn from expert instructors of SLA which offers the best Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Acceptance Testing

The purpose of acceptance testing is to ensure the final product satisfies the needs of the target audience. In order to ensure the program is performing as intended, acceptance tests are run by actual end users in a staging or production-like environment.

Acceptance Testing is the last stage of software testing before the system is released to the general public. It follows System Testing.

This is a form of black-box testing in which a lack of understanding of the product’s design or execution is assumed and just its functionality is tested to ensure it satisfies the acceptance criteria.

Why Do We Need Acceptance Tests?

Even after System testing was completed without incident, the customer still requires that we run Acceptance testing. The tests here are similar to those performed in System testing.

Customers perform this testing for the reasons 

  • In order to have faith in the product that is being released to the public.
  • To make sure that the product is performing as expected.
  • It’s important to make sure the product is competitive with other offerings in the same market and that it meets the criteria currently set by the industry.

As you are infused with the need for Acceptance Testing, you might be inspired to know extensively about Software Testing. Hence, enroll in the Software Testing Institute in Chennai.

Procedure to Build Acceptance Testing

The V-Model organizes the AT phase so that it runs concurrently with the Requirements phase.

Here is how the actual AT procedure works:

Analysis of Business Needs

Design Acceptance Test Strategy

Acceptance Test Bed Setting up

Preparing Acceptance Test Data

Carrying out Acceptance Tests

Making a business decision

Analysis of Business Needs

When analyzing business requirements, it is necessary to consult all of the relevant documents that are contained inside the project.

Some examples include:

  • Use Cases
  • Workflow diagrams
  • Business Requirements Document
  • System Requirement Specifications
  • Designed data matrix

Design Acceptance Test Strategy

Within the Acceptance Test Plan, there are a few different things that need to be documented.

Let’s examine a few :

  • Acceptance Testing: the plan and approach.
  • Entry and exit factors should be clearly stated.
  • The goals of the AT and the needs of the business must be clearly defined.
  • Any person tasked with creating tests should be able to grasp the acceptance test design strategy if one is provided.
  • The preparation of the test bed and the actual testing schedule/timelines need to be discussed.
  • Due to the multifaceted nature of testing, it is important to outline the steps involved in problem reporting, as not all stakeholders will be familiar with the process.
  • Create Acceptance Tests and Evaluate Them

Scenario-based requirements should be included in acceptance testing. Each test case needs to be mapped to the corresponding business requirement, and they are only to be prepared once the full breadth of the requirements has been determined.

To ensure that the business requirements are well covered, it is necessary to review all of the acceptance tests that have been prepared.

This is done to guarantee that testing stays within its allotted time frames and does not extend beyond its specified scope. Learn about the execution of Acceptance Testing by signing up for the Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Acceptance Test Bed Setting up

The Test Bed should be set up in a manner that is comparable to that of a production environment. High-level verification of the security and functionality of the environment is essential. Only allow the stakeholder who will be conducting this testing to have access to the environment’s credentials.

Preparing Acceptance Test Data

It is necessary to prepare/populate test data in the systems with production data. There should also be a well-detailed document outlining how the data should be put to use in tests.

Substitute Albert, Mexico, etc. for the test data’s TestName1, TestCity1, etc. The testing will be spot-on, and the real-time data will add depth to the experience.

Carrying out Acceptance Tests

At this stage, the environment must be put through the Acceptance Tests that have been planned for it. Ideally, each test would be successful on the first try. If any functional issues are discovered during Acceptance testing, they must be reported immediately.

Verifying and closing bugs that have been addressed is, once again, a top priority. Daily reporting of test execution is required.

All reported issues at this stage need to be reviewed in a bug-triage meeting and proceed through the RCE process. Only at this stage can acceptance testing determine if all of the business needs have been satisfied by the product. The procedure to carry out software testing is instilled in your mind clearly through hands-on experience when you associate yourself with SLA’s Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Making a business decision

A final decision on whether or not to release the product into production is made. A green light from management means the goods can finally hit the shelves. A failure verdict means the product will not be released.

Some Reasons to Say No

  • The product’s quality is subpar.
  • Numerous unresolved functional bugs.
  • Deviating away from what is necessary for business.
  • Not up to par with market expectations; 
  • Needs improvements to meet modern standards.

Types of Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing can be broken down into seven categories:

User Acceptance Testing

Business Acceptance Testing

Regulations Acceptance Testing

Contract Acceptance Testing

Operational Acceptance Testing

Alpha Testing

Beta Testing

User Acceptance Testing

To guarantee your product lives up to users’ expectations, you need to put it through User Acceptance Testing. If you want to know how your product will be received by consumers, you need to put it through user acceptance testing. Before releasing your app to the public, you should make sure that real people enjoy using it.

There are a variety of approaches that can be utilized during the user acceptance testing process. Some of these approaches include usability studies, card sorting, focus groups, paper prototyping, and click-through walkthroughs.

In order to measure how effectively your product functions for potential buyers, it is crucial to create successful prototypes that mimic the experience of using your product as closely as possible. Working on new features or changes to increase usability for current users can also be iterated quickly with the help of a prototype. Explore various types of Acceptance Testing by means of practical training by joining the Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Business Acceptance Testing

A business acceptance test is a type of software testing that ensures the system functions as intended for the end user. It’s crucial to run these kinds of testing before releasing your website or app to the public, as the input you get from users can help you improve the product.

Business acceptability testing is recommended because of the positive effects it has on the user experience, the cost of support, and the overall quality of the product. You must also perform business acceptability testing on the app’s new features after each major release to ensure they function as intended.

If any issues are discovered during testing, the corporation will be able to address them promptly and keep customers from defecting in droves. It also aids in avoiding problems with customer service that may arise in the event that a newly implemented feature fails.

Regulations Acceptance Testing

Regulations The goal of Regulatory Acceptance Testing (RAT) is to ensure that a product or system is in compliance with all applicable regulations. The primary goal of risk assessment and treatment (RAT) is to ensure that products are safe for human consumption and usage.

A corporation that wishes to make medical equipment, for instance, must demonstrate that its product is safe for human use. To accomplish this, the gadget can be tested on real people who have been hurt by other medical technologies. There may be problems with manufacturing if this doesn’t happen during the RAT phase. Become a Master in the various types of Acceptance testing by enrolling in the best Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Contract Acceptance Testing

Testing a contract to see if it lives up to its terms is called “contract acceptance testing.” Acceptance testing is performed on your website, for instance, to make sure everything is in working order before you sign the contract. Furthermore, no mistakes should be made, as they could pose problems in the long run.

Understanding the function of each part and how they interact with one another is also crucial to ensuring that the user experiences no issues while putting the contract into use. The significance of Software testing is exemplary and hence becoming a Software Tester lands you in an impressive career. Become one by joining the Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Operational Acceptance Testing

Before releasing a new version of a system to consumers, businesses often perform what’s called “Operational Acceptance Testing” to ensure that everything is functioning as intended following the installation of an update or patch. This is distinct from other types of testing, such as unit tests and integration tests, which analyze and verify just discrete parts of a program.

In order to ensure that the complete end-to-end process of a customer’s use case is verified within a specified environment, operational acceptance testing must involve more than just one aspect of the system being evaluated together.

Before implementing any changes in the environments that have an impact on client usage, you should have an automated mechanism for ensuring that your application or service continues to perform correctly in all environments (including production, staging, and QA).

Alpha Testing

During alpha testing, you and the client discuss and refine the product’s functionality before it’s released to the public. Your client will be able to fix any issues before the final product is issued.

If you have prior experience with developing software, this should be a simple task. All you need to do is make a list of the needs that the final product must fulfill.

If you do not possess programming knowledge, though, you’ll need to recruit someone to build these features with you. If it’s at all possible, I would propose looking for some designers or programmers and enlisting their assistance in incorporating these features into the program.

Beta Testing

Before releasing a product to the general public, companies often conduct “beta tests” to gauge early adopters’ interest and level of satisfaction. Pre-launch testing is another name for it.

By putting your product or service through a beta test, you may learn more about how users in a variety of scenarios will interact with it. You can use this data to anticipate and address issues that may develop once your product or service is released to the public. Using this information, you may fine-tune your product or service to better suit the needs of the whole public, not just the beta testers.

Make any necessary adjustments to your project based on what you’ve learned from this research, and then release it into the wild. Collecting input from users who have experienced issues with your new project after it goes live is essential for identifying where improvements are needed. SLA’s Software Testing Training in Chennai helps you improve your understanding of Software Testing through expert instruction and practical exposure to every concept. Also, SLA helps you to attain your dream career through its exceptional placement support.

Best Practises for Successful Acceptance Testing

Locate Your Target Audience

Knowing who will be utilizing your product or service before you start accepting new test submissions will help you make better decisions. You can find out what kinds of people are already buying things like yours by conducting market research and designing a survey to collect that data. With this knowledge in hand, you can quickly and easily build acceptance test scenarios that mimic the desired user experiences.

Learn best practices in Acceptance testing and become a successful software tester by enriching your knowledge with SLA’s Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Creation of Your Acceptance Tests

Create your acceptance tests after you’ve determined who you’ll be testing for and laid out some potential scenarios. The easiest approach to do this is in a lab setting where you can see and record several users’ reactions to your product under identical conditions. This will aid in the detection of issues that may arise during regular use and supply you with the knowledge to address them.

Keep an eye on the results of your acceptance tests so you can make any necessary adjustments after you’ve finished running them. By doing so, you can make sure that your product or service is meeting the needs of all of your customers and that any issues are resolved speedily. As the creation of test cases plays a pivotal role in software testing, you can make it at ease as you gain knowledge about it from Software Testing Training in Chennai.

Get the Right Tool

Get the most out of your acceptance testing by equipping yourself with the necessary tools that can be seamlessly integrated into your existing process. One such tool is Disbug, which will enable clients and users to provide visual feedback and save developers a lot of time. Annotated screenshots, screen recordings, and technical logs are all compiled automatically and included in these bug reports. This is ideal for software development teams looking to speed up the delivery of high-quality solutions. 

Acquire ideas about various tools and find the best one for your acceptance testing through your extensive awareness inculcated by Software testing training in Chennai at affordable cost.

Acceptance Testing vs Functional Testing

It is important to know the difference between Acceptance testing and Functional testing as both seem to serve the same purpose. Hence the context of Acceptance testing vs Functional testing is discussed below.

DescriptionFunctional TestingAcceptance Testing
DefinitionIt is the process of examining a software component to determine if its functional criteria have been met and if the component itself is operating as expected.It means making sure the software is compatible with the client’s setup and running correctly in that environment.
TypesTests that ensure functionality include smoke tests, regression tests, acceptance tests, and integration tests, among others.Acceptance testing can refer to a number of different scenarios, including user acceptance testing, business acceptance testing, Alpha testing, beta testing, and contract acceptance testing.
StageAfter the unit testing is complete, the next step is functional testing at the stage level.After the product has been deployed to end users, the testing process concludes with user acceptability testing.
CostThis testing has a greater price tag than unit testing.Comes at the lowest cost
PurposeEach component of a mobile device, for instance, is put through unit testing to ensure it is functioning as intended. Results from each component’s various tests are compared against specifications in functional testing.Once the smartphone is complete, it is put through its paces by the company’s own internal testing team.

Hope now you are aware of Acceptance Testing Vs Functional Testing. You can become more familiar with its difference through Software testing Training in Chennai.

Acceptance Testing Tools

Acceptance testing can be performed using a variety of tools, each of which has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

  • “Cucumber” is a commonly used tool. Cucumber facilitates the writing of tests in a language that is accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. Because of this, it’s a great tool for communication between programmers and quality assurance specialists. However, Cucumber’s execution speed and setup time can be problematic at times.
  • FitNesse is another widely used program. FitNesse is intended to be less resource intensive than Cucumber, allowing for quicker runtimes. The fact that it’s cross-platform is an added bonus. It may take some time to get used to FitNesse, and it may not have all the functions you require.

It’s crucial that any tool you settle on works well within your current process of creating software. It’s important to make sure that it’s user-friendly for everyone on your team. 


To sum up, Acceptance testing is useful for gauging the effectiveness of the development and testing teams. While there are a number of automated technologies that can perform this task, it is often preferable to do it manually because it often involves real users and other stakeholders who may not have a technological background. Learn about Acceptance Testing, its types, best practices, procedure in detail with hands-on experience under the guidance of subject matter specialist by enrolling in the Software Testing Training in Chennai at SLA. Avail the right job for you by mastering our industry-oriented Software Testing Course Syllabus and leveraging our placement assistance.

Meta Description: In software development, Acceptance Testing occurs just before a product is released to the public. Explore more from SLA’s Software Testing Training in Chennai.

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