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How do I install Python correctly?

Published On: February 9, 2024

How do I install Python correctly?


Due to its simplicity, readability, and cross-platform capability, Python is one of the most highly and commonly used programming languages in the world. Getting into the mix and using Python, just like most people, requires a comprehensive understanding of the program along with experience and practice using the program. In order to get a comprehensive understanding and use experience, one needs to install Python properly to use it to its full potential. In this blog, you will learn how to install Python correctly on various operating systems so that you can make an impact on the IT industry by using it properly. Visit the SLA Institute to learn about the courses and training we offer for you.  

Compelling reasons to use to Python

Before looking at how to install Python correctly, it is important to know what makes Python compelling to use, which is listed below:

  • Simplicity: Python has one of the most readable and simple syntaxes of any programming language out there. 
  • Python stands out for its adaptability, thriving in various fields such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, automation, and scripting. Its broad utility makes it an invaluable asset across diverse industries.
  • The language boasts an extensive library and framework ecosystem, providing developers with readily accessible solutions. For instance, libraries like NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Django are pivotal in data science, machine learning, and web development. Leveraging these resources expedites development and simplifies complex tasks.
  • Supported by a robust global community, Python benefits from continuous development, maintenance, and enhancement. This active community fosters learning through resources, tutorials, forums, and collaborative open-source projects.
  • Python’s cross-platform compatibility ensures seamless execution across operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. This interoperability streamlines deployment and scalability without necessitating significant codebase modifications.
  • The language excels in integration, harmonizing with diverse languages and technologies. This interoperability empowers developers to merge Python code into existing systems or utilize external libraries and APIs, bolstering application functionality and scalability.
  • Characterized by simplicity, high-level abstractions, and a wealth of libraries, Python enhances development agility. Developers leverage these advantages to swiftly prototype, iterate, and deploy software, expediting time-to-market and reducing development overheads.
  • Though Python may not match the raw speed of low-level languages like C or C++, it delivers satisfactory performance across a lot of applications. Techniques such as optimization and parallel processing, coupled with specialized libraries like Cython, speak to Python’s scalability and performance.
  • In summary, Python’s readability, adaptability, community support, rich ecosystem, cross-platform compatibility, integration capabilities, productivity, and scalability render it an indispensable tool for diverse programming endeavors.  

Recommended read: Why should you learn Python?

Various knowledge and considerations to have before installing Python

  • Identify Your Purpose: Determine why you need Python. Whether it’s for web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, or any other purpose, understanding your intended use will help you choose the right Python version and additional tools and libraries.
  • Choose the Python version: Decide which version of Python to install. Python 2.x is nearing its end of life, so it’s generally recommended to opt for Python 3.x, the current version that is actively maintained and regularly updated.
  • Check Operating System Compatibility: Ensure that the Python version you choose is compatible with your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). Python is cross-platform, but you’ll need to download the appropriate installer for your OS.
  • Select Installation Method: Choose how you want to install Python based on your preferences and needs. Options include using the official installer from the Python website, package managers like Homebrew (for macOS and Linux), or distribution-specific package managers for Linux distributions.
  • Consider Environment Management: Think about whether you need to set up virtual environments. Virtual environments allow you to create isolated Python environments for different projects, preventing dependency conflicts. Tools like virtualenv or Python 3’s built-in venv module can help manage virtual environments.
  • Identify additional tools and libraries: Determine if you’ll need any additional tools or libraries for your Python projects, such as NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow, Django, or Flask. These can be installed using Python’s package manager, pip, after Python itself is installed.
  • Configure Path Settings: During installation, you may have the option to add Python to your system’s PATH environment variable. This enables you to run Python and Python scripts from any directory in the command prompt or terminal, enhancing ease of use.
  • Check System Requirements: Make sure your system meets the requirements for the Python version you plan to install, including processor architecture, memory, and disk space. This ensures a hassle-free installation and optimal performance.

Recommended read: Goto statement in Python

System Requirements for Python

System requirements for Python for Windows:

  • Operating System Compatibility: Python supports various Windows versions, including Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. Ensure your system runs a compatible Windows version.
  • Processor Requirements: Python is lightweight and can run on most modern processors compatible with Windows.
  • Memory (RAM): Python’s memory requirements are modest. A system with 2GB of RAM is usually sufficient for basic usage. However, more RAM may be beneficial for tasks involving large datasets or memory-intensive operations.
  • Disk Space: The disk space needed for installing Python itself is minimal, typically less than 1GB. However, if you plan to install additional packages using pip, allocate extra disk space accordingly.
  • Python Version: Opt for Python 3.x, the recommended version, as Python 2.x has reached its end of life and no longer receives updates.
  • Python Installer: Download the official Python installer for Windows from the Python website. Choose the correct installer for your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) and Python version.
  • Administrator Privileges: Depending on your system settings, administrator privileges may be necessary for Python installation. Ensure you have the required permissions to install software on your system.

System requirements for Python for MacOS:

  • Operating System Compatibility: Python is compatible with macOS versions supported by Apple. Ensure your macOS version is among those supported. Typically, Python works well on macOS versions starting with macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) and newer releases.
  • Processor Requirements: Python is not demanding on the processor and can run smoothly on most modern CPUs found in Mac computers, including Intel-based and Apple Silicon (M1) processors.
  • Memory (RAM): Python’s memory requirements are minimal. For basic usage, a system with 2GB of RAM is sufficient. However, if you plan to work with large datasets or engage in memory-intensive tasks, having more RAM may be advantageous.
  • Disk Space: The disk space needed for Python installation itself is small, usually less than 1GB. However, if you intend to install additional packages or libraries using pip, allocate extra disk space accordingly. Reserve at least a few gigabytes of free disk space for Python and its associated libraries.
  • Python Version: Opt for Python 3.x, the recommended version for macOS. Python 2.x has reached its end of life and is no longer supported.
  • Python Installer: Obtain the official Python installer for macOS from the Python website. Ensure you select the appropriate installer compatible with your macOS version and the desired Python version.
  • Administrator Privileges: Depending on your system settings, you may need administrator privileges to install Python on macOS. Verify that you possess the necessary permissions to install software on your Mac.

Recommended read: Jump statements in Python 

How to Install Python correctly

How to install Python correctly for Windows:

  1. Download Python Installer:
  • Visit the official Python website:
  • Navigate to the “Downloads” tab.
  • Select the latest Python version for Windows and download the installer.
  1. Run Installer:
  • After downloading, execute the installer.
  • During installation, ensure to check the option “Add Python to PATH” to simplify running Python from the command prompt.
  1. Installation Settings:
  • Installation can be customized by clicking on “Customize installation” if desired.
  • Alternatively, proceed with the default settings.
  1. Verify Installation:
  • Open Command Prompt and type “python –version” to confirm Python installation.

How to install Python correctly for MacOS:

  1. Install Homebrew (optional but recommended):
  • Launch Terminal.
  • Paste the following command and press Enter:

/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”

  1. Install Python using Homebrew:
  • In Terminal, type:

brew install python

  1. Verify Installation:
  • In Terminal, type “python3 –version” to ensure Python is installed correctly.

Recommended read: Python interview questions and answers


Python can be a suitable option for people who want to study programming languages. As mentioned before, due to its easy-to-read syntax and scalability, it’s a very popular choice among IT candidates who are just starting out. In this blog, you have learned about how to install Python correctly on both Windows and MacOS. We hope that this blog gives you insight on how to correctly install Python on various operating systems. We hope that this blog makes you use Python and revolutionizes the industry.

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