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Java vs Python: Which is the Best Programming Language for You?

Published On: March 28, 2023

Choosing a programming language that brings a futuristic career is an important thing for beginners and it depends on the coding simplicity, future scope, use cases, and easy development. The programming languages such as Java and Python are providing tremendous opportunities along with continuous improvement of several microscopic features. Both programming languages are used widely in small to large enterprises but some specialized features differentiate them when implemented in application development.


Java is an object-oriented and class–based programming language used for designing desktop computing, mobile application development, numerical computing, and game development. It is also used as a server-side programming language for several back-end developments such as Android and Big Data Processing. Java is made up of the key facility of write-once-run-anywhere along with zero dependencies possibilities.


Python is a general-purpose and dynamic programming language that has built-in data structures and dynamic binding and typing for Rapid Application Development. It reduces the effort and cost of maintenance through a simplified resource library and interpreter along with the free and open-source availability. It is considered a wonderful and excellent choice for global programmers and top companies as it is used to develop and deploy applications faster and more efficiently.

Comparison of Java and Python

Both Python and Java are considered market leaders and we have given below some of the important technical comparisons which are useful for the students to choose one of them for their desired career.


Python is much more popular than Java even though it hits the market later than Java. It was recognized as the fastest-growing programming language by the survey of developers in Stack Over in 2018. 

Java is still the favorite programming language of developers around the world but the significance of Python takes it to the top of Java.


Java follows strict syntax rules while Python is extremely dynamic and most of the syntax is similar to the English language. 

In Java, the developer is required to type all the variables without any single error. If there is any error, the program will not be executed. Java programming requires curly brackets while using multiple lines in the block of a method or statement. 

But Python is easy to understand and beginner-friendly so the developer is not required to follow any indentation or enclosing brace rules.


Java and Python are run by compiling the bytecode and executing the code on virtual machines effectively and they are cross-platform which makes them adapt easily to any operating system without any changes to the original codes. 

Both are having similar performances when we look at them in general. But there is a slight and fundamental difference that proves Java is faster than Python.

The compilation of static-typed syntax is much easier than dynamic-typed syntax. It is open to errors and aims for the platforms to execute them in a better manner. 

Java has static-typed syntax while Python has dynamic-typed syntax. JIT (Just-In-Time) is one more benefit of Java that compiles the bytecode into native machine code quickly. These features are the reason for the fastest performance of Java to Python.

Python codes are processed during the compile-time and it reduces the agility of performance as it has to be compiled in every platform. It holds the entire application when errors are found and it reduces the efficiency and speed of the python programming language. Anyhow, Java codes are very long and difficult to understand.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of static and dynamic typing?

At compilation time, static typing detects type problems. Therefore the Java compiler notices the error if you accidentally mixed texts and numbers. Some dispute exists over the relative benefit of compile-time inspections. Nonetheless, some developers like the discipline that static typing imposes.

Static typing speeds up code execution whether or not mistakes are avoided. The target platform can be optimized more effectively by a compiler that works with statically typed code. You also stay away from runtime type errors, which improves speed once further.

Dynamic type languages produce less verbose code than static languages do. Types are not defined for variables, and they might have different kinds. This avoids having to duplicate or convert types for new variable declarations. When Java vs. Python comparisons are made, the issue of code readability frequently comes up.

Code readability and formatting of Java and Python

Let’s contrast some instances from Python and Java. To aggregate each line into sets of 50 comma-separated entries in this example, we must open a sizable text file. The Python code is shown below:

def get_symbols(file_name):

    with open(file_name, “r”) as in_file:

        records = []

        count = 0

        symbol_set = “”

        for line in in_file:

            symbol_set = symbol_set + line[:-1] + ‘,’

            count = count + 1

            if count % 50 == 0:


                symbol_set = “”


        return records

The Java code is shown here:

List<String> getSymbols(String filename) throws IOException {

  List<String> records = new ArrayList<>();

  try (BufferedReader reader123 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) {

    String line;

    int count = 0;

    StringBuilder symbol_set = new StringBuilder();

    while ((line = reader123.readLine()) != null) {



      – if ((count % 50) == 0) –







    return records;



On the basis of the preceding instances, let’s dissect the readability components.

  • Whitespace

Python’s syntax includes whitespace, but Java doesn’t. Python starts loops and conditional statements with a full colon and utilizes tabs for nesting. Semicolons, parentheses, and curly braces are all used in Java while disregarding whitespace. Debates over which type of coding is simpler to understand, like the static vs. dynamic typing argument, are purely arbitrary. Others claim that while Java has more formatting options, Python code is more condensed and consistent. Coding format arguments are resolved thanks to Python’s usage of whitespace. You are left with no choice except to employ blank lines.

As compared to the Java example, the Python snippet is a few lines less, a difference that quickly accumulates in bigger projects. The absence of closing braces accounts for a large portion of the variance. Nonetheless, Python’s brevity is more profound when compared to Java.

  • Clarity

Let’s examine the two languages’ file management systems.

Here’s Python once more:

with open(file_name, “r”) as in_file:

This is Java:

try (BufferedReader reader123 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) {

The declaration produces a block in each scenario. As the code leaves the block, the languages close the file resource, which is still in scope. We’re opening a file in Python and reading from it. When the loop hits the end of the file, it stops.

for line in in_file:

Java is more challenging. By giving a FileReader to a BufferedReader, we are opening it. We take in the reader’s lines. After the file ends, it is our obligation to look for null.

while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

This merely serves to illustrate how much simpler Python is for managing text files. However, it demonstrates how Java is frequently more verbose than Python. Concise and simple “Pythonic” constructions are more advantageous. Despite the addition of lambdas in Java 8 and try-with-resources in Java 7, Java has improved over the past several years, but it remains a verbose language.

Let’s go back to the first instance.

The Python code once more:

stuff = [“Hello, World!”, “Hi there, Everyone!”, 6]

    for i in stuff:


Here is the Java:

public class Test {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        String array[] = {“Hi, SLA”, “How, are you?”, “6”};

        for (String i : array) {





Both of these snippets will build and function the way they are. Python will execute a script across the whole file. Java needs a static method called main as its minimum entry point. This function in the class that was supplied to the Java Virtual Machine on the command line is executed by the JVM.

Programming in Python is typically quicker and simpler than programming in Java. Utility applications that manipulate files or retrieve data from online sites are a good example of this.

Use cases

When compared to Java, Python is used in a large number of applications such as machine learning, game development, image processing, graphic designing, language development, operating systems, prototyping, and scientific computing along with popular usage in data analytics. 

Java on the other hand is suitable for developing middleware products, mobile-based applications, enterprise solutions, embedded systems, and desktop GUIs.

Comparison Table of Python and Java

Comparison FactorJavaPython
CodeLong lines of codeFewer lines of code
Conversion TypeCompiled and InterpretedInterpreted
SyntaxSimple and relatively like CResembles Plain English. 
PerformanceImproved due to JVMLess than Java
SpeedWhen compared to Python, Java is faster.Python is slower because it employs an interpreter and chooses the data type dynamically.
FrameworkThere are several Frameworks for Java. Spring and Hibernate are popular examples.In comparison to Java, Python has fewer frameworks. Django and Flask are two common ones.
Machine Learning LibrariesWeka, Mallet, Deeplearning4j, MOATensorflow, Pytorch.
Databases(JDBC) Java Database Connectivity is the most extensively used method for connecting to databases.Python’s database access layers are less robust than JDBC in Java. As a result, it is rarely used in businesses.
Main FeaturesRobust, platform-agnostic, and self-memory managementQuick deployment, dynamic typing, and a few code lines.
StabilityBackward Compatibility supports stabilityUnstable sometimes
PortabilityPossible with JVM and WORA principles.Tcl GUI Toolkit is required to implement portable GUIs
SecurityBuilt-in security features like encryption, PKI, and XML.Lacks of security features
Mobile App DevelopmentIt is the ”go-to” option for android app developmentDoesn’t support Android. Sometimes possible for iOS.
AgilityBecause of its static type system, which makes automatic refactoring more predictable and dependable, and the predominance of IDEs in Java programming, Java has more consistent refactoring assistance than Python.Python has always had a presence in the agile environment, and its popularity has expanded for a variety of reasons, including the advent of the DevOps movement.
Multiple InheritanceThrough the use of the interfaces, Java partially enabled Multiple Inheritance.Python allows for multiple inheritances.

Which is better for the future, Python or Java?

Both languages are stable and well-established, and they are expected to be sustained indefinitely. Both will remain significant, while Python’s growth trajectory will undoubtedly be the steeper of the two. Python has also declared ambitious goals to make up to 5x performance increases, therefore erasing one of Java’s main advantages. Java, on the other hand, has the endurance factor since it is firmly embedded in the structures and practices of thousands of development teams.


The comparison of both Java and Python differs in various parameters and most importantly Java is a popular option while Python is used widely in numerous applications. Java is faster but lengthy but Python requires less coding. Python will be the best option for beginners as it is easy to learn and implement for innumerable applications worldwide. Learn the best Python Course in Chennai at SLA Institute to obtain a futuristic career in software development.

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