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Locators in Selenium | Softlogic System

Published On: December 7, 2023

Automating tasks on a webpage, like clicking buttons or entering data, can be tricky due to complex web elements. In automated testing, Selenium tackles these challenges with a key feature: Locators in Selenium. Companies like Accenture value this skill, making it essential for job seekers. For additional insights and preparation, consider exploring Accenture – Selenium Interview Questions. Locators in Selenium simplify the identification and interaction with various elements on a webpage. For testers handling web applications, tasks such as clicking buttons or filling forms can be complex. In this article, we’ll explore how Locators in Selenium play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges, making automated testing more efficient and reliable.

Locators in Selenium

Locators in Selenium are crucial tools for identifying and interacting with web elements in automated testing. These pointers guide the Selenium WebDriver to precisely locate elements on a webpage, enabling actions like clicking buttons, entering data, or validating content. For a comprehensive understanding of Selenium, including its Web drivers, explore our blog on All You Need To Know About Selenium Web drivers.

Selenium offers various types of locators, including ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selector, Class Name, Link Text, and Partial Link Text, each serving specific identification needs. The strategic use of locators is crucial for creating robust and maintainable automation scripts, ensuring accurate and reliable interactions with web elements across diverse web applications.

Why Locators in Selenium?

Locators are like essential tools for web automation, helping users find and work with stuff on a webpage. They let you do things like clicking and typing once you find an item. In the world of Selenium, these locators are super important for automation testing. They’re a key part of any testing plan, making sure everything works well. Knowing about locators in Selenium is a big deal for efficient testing, saving time and effort. They’re like helpers that take care of repetitive tasks, making sure online applications run smoothly. For more info and prep, check out Selenium with Python Interview Questions and Answers. To use Selenium, the first thing is finding where a thing is on the page. Selenium gives methods for this, as shown in the HTML code below, giving tips for making effective locators.

What Are The Different Types Of Locators?

Selenium provides different locators to help testers precisely identify and interact with web elements during automation testing. These locator types serve specific purposes, allowing testers to customize their approach based on element characteristics. Let’s explore the various types of locators in Selenium:

ID Locator

The ID Locator in Selenium is a powerful tool for precisely identifying and interacting with web elements during automation testing. It operates by leveraging the unique ‘id’ attribute assigned to an HTML element, providing a direct and efficient means of locating specific elements on a webpage.



This locator is particularly well-suited for elements characterized by distinct and unchanging IDs. The ‘id’ attribute serves as a reliable and stable identifier, making it an ideal choice for automation scenarios where the targeted element’s unique identity remains constant. Using the ID Locator enhances the efficiency and accuracy of automated tests by precisely pinpointing elements on the basis of their unique identifiers.

Name Locator

The Name Locator in Selenium is a valuable method for identifying and interacting with web elements during automation testing. This locator type relies on the ‘name’ attribute assigned to an HTML element, providing a means to locate elements based on their specific names.


This locator is particularly effective for elements that have distinguishable and identifiable names. It offers a straightforward and reliable way to pinpoint elements based on the ‘name’ attribute assigned to them. When elements on a webpage are uniquely identified by their names, the Name Locator becomes a suitable choice for automation scenarios, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of tests by precisely targeting elements with identifiable names.

XPath Locator

The XPath Locator in Selenium is a robust tool for navigating and interacting with web elements during automation testing. It operates by traversing the XML structure of the document using path expressions, allowing for precise identification of elements.


XPath offers flexibility in specifying element paths, making it powerful for complex scenarios. However, it may be considered less readable than other locators. This flexibility enables testers to craft intricate paths to locate elements based on their hierarchical position in the XML document. While XPath is versatile, it’s important to balance complexity with readability to maintain the clarity and maintainability of automated test scripts

CSS Selector Locator

The CSS Selector Locator in Selenium is a versatile tool for precise identification and interaction with web elements during automation testing. This locator type identifies elements based on CSS selectors, providing a concise and efficient means to locate specific elements on a webpage.


One of the notable strengths of CSS Selector is its efficiency, making it a preferred choice for many automation scenarios. It supports complex selection criteria, allowing testers to specify elements based on various attributes, classes, or even their position in the document structure. This flexibility empowers testers to create robust and efficient automated tests while benefiting from the conciseness and expressiveness of CSS selectors.

Class Name Locator

The Class Name Locator in Selenium is a valuable tool for accurately identifying and interacting with web elements during automation testing. This locator type targets elements based on their ‘class’ attribute, providing a convenient means to locate specific elements on a webpage.


This locator is particularly useful when elements share a common class, allowing testers to efficiently locate and interact with multiple elements that possess the same class attribute. By leveraging the Class Name Locator, testers can streamline their automation scripts and enhance the maintainability of their tests when dealing with elements characterized by a shared class attribute.

Link Text Locator

The Link Text Locator in Selenium is a specialized tool designed for precise identification and interaction with hyperlinks during automation testing. This locator type is specifically tailored to identify elements based on their exact link text, providing an effective means to locate specific links on a webpage.


This locator proves particularly suitable for scenarios where links have unique and distinguishable text. It allows testers to accurately target specific hyperlinks on a webpage, ensuring that the automation script interacts precisely with the intended link based on its exact link text. Leveraging the Link Text Locator enhances the accuracy and reliability of automated tests, especially when dealing with distinct and easily recognizable links.

Partial Link Text Locator

The Partial Link Text Locator in Selenium is a versatile tool designed for accurate identification and interaction with hyperlinks during automation testing. This locator type operates similarly to the Link Text Locator but offers the flexibility of matching elements based on partial link text. It provides an effective means to locate specific links on a webpage when only a portion of the link text is known.


This locator proves useful in scenarios where the complete link text is not known, yet a distinctive portion of it can be identified. It enables testers to accurately target and interact with specific hyperlinks on a webpage, contributing to the precision and efficiency of automated tests, particularly when dealing with links that share common partial text.


In conclusion, comprehending the diverse range of locators in Selenium is crucial for effective web automation testing. Each type of Locators in Selenium serves a specific purpose, offering testers flexibility and precision in identifying web elements. By employing the right Locators in Selenium for the task, testers can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of their automation scripts, contributing to robust and reliable testing processes in the dynamic landscape of web application development. Mastering the art of selecting appropriate Locators in Selenium empowers testers to navigate the complexities of modern web applications seamlessly. For in-depth knowledge, consider enrolling in comprehensive Selenium Training in Chennai.

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