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Top 10 Frameworks of Java Full Stack Developers

Published On: February 21, 2024

Top 10 Frameworks of Java Full Stack Developers


Framework libraries are one of the most vital organs for a Java full stack developer. The pre-coded frameworks contribute a lot to the Java full stack interface. They save time in the process of building web applications by existing as an already pre-written code in the library. It improves collaboration, security, and a lot of other roles, features, and advantages that will be discussed in this blog today. Being aware of some of the top frameworks in Java full stack can be very advantageous to a developer. Hence, this blog is here to save the day by clarifying all your queries related to these topics. Check out the SLA Institute to find out about the courses and training we offer. 

Role of frameworks in Java full stack developers

  • Organizing Code: Frameworks offer a structured approach to building web applications, often adhering to established architectural patterns like MVC (Model-View-Controller). This helps developers maintain a logical and organized codebase.
  • Simplifying Complexity: Frameworks handle low-level details and repetitive tasks such as managing HTTP requests, database connections, and user sessions. This simplification allows developers to focus on implementing business logic rather than dealing with intricate technicalities. 
  • Promoting Best Practices: Frameworks come with predefined best practices and coding conventions, ensuring consistency across the codebase and facilitating teamwork. This standardization minimizes errors, enhances code readability, and promotes long-term maintainability.
  • Boosting Development Efficiency: By providing ready-made components, libraries, and tools, frameworks accelerate development. Developers can leverage these pre-built solutions for common tasks, saving time and effort.
  • Integration with External Tools: Frameworks seamlessly integrate with popular third-party libraries and tools used in web development, such as databases and authentication frameworks. This integration streamlines the development process and leverages existing tools’ capabilities.
  • Enhancing Security: Many frameworks include built-in security features to safeguard web applications against common threats like XSS and SQL injection attacks. These features ensure developers can create secure applications without starting from scratch.
  • Improving Scalability and Performance: Some frameworks offer features for optimizing application performance and scalability, such as caching and asynchronous processing. These features enhance overall performance, particularly as applications grow in complexity and user base.

In summary, frameworks play a critical role in Java full-stack development by providing developers with essential tools, structures, and best practices. They enable efficient development, maintainability, and scalability of web applications, allowing developers to focus on delivering high-quality solutions while abstracting away technical complexities.

Advantages of frameworks in Java full stack 

  • Error reduction: Since frameworks mostly focus on repetitive tasks and low-level details, the more complex manual tasks can be handled by the users, thus reducing time and errors. 
  • Accelerated Development: Frameworks furnish developers with pre-built components, libraries, and tools, expediting the application development process. This leads to quicker time-to-market and heightened productivity.
  • Uniformity and Adherence to Standards: Frameworks often enforce coding standards and recommended practices, fostering uniformity throughout the codebase. This ensures adherence to established patterns and conventions, resulting in cleaner, more maintainable code.
  • Simplified Complexity: Frameworks abstract away intricate details and repetitive tasks, such as managing HTTP requests, and database connections, and implementing security protocols. This allows developers to focus on core business logic and application functionality rather than getting bogged down by repetitive tasks.
  • Scalability: Many frameworks are purpose-built with scalability in mind, offering features like caching mechanisms, connection pooling, and asynchronous processing. These features empower applications to efficiently handle increasing loads and scale up as user demand grows.
  • Enhanced Security: Frameworks often come equipped with built-in security features and mechanisms to safeguard against prevalent security threats like XSS, CSRF, and SQL injection attacks. This aids developers in building more secure applications without having to start from scratch.
  • Community Collaboration: Popular frameworks typically boast vibrant communities of developers who contribute code, extend support, and share insights. This communal support proves invaluable for resolving issues, finding solutions, and staying abreast of evolving best practices and trends.
  • Seamless Integration with Ecosystems: Frameworks seamlessly integrate with a plethora of tools and technologies commonly utilized in web development, including databases, caching systems, authentication frameworks, and testing frameworks. This integration streamlines the development process and enables developers to harness the capabilities of existing tools and libraries.

In summary, frameworks serve as indispensable assets in Java full-stack development, equipping developers with the requisite tools, structures, and best practices to efficiently craft, maintain, and scale web applications. They empower developers to focus on delivering high-caliber software solutions while abstracting away much of the inherent complexity in web development.

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History of frameworks in Java full stack

  • The story of frameworks in Java full stack development starts in the late 1990s and early 2000s when Java became popular for making dynamic websites. Back then, developers had a hard time dealing with the complexity of web development.
  • Apache Struts was one of the first big frameworks for Java web development. It came out in 2000 and introduced a structured way of building web apps called Model-View-Controller (MVC). This helped developers organize their code better.
  • The model-view-controller (MVC): The separation of the application into model, view, and controller makes it easily manageable and decreases its complexity. The model does the backend stuff, like processing data and managing databases, while the view does the front-end stuff, such as the user interface, and the controller performs the actionable functions. 
  • In the mid-2000s, the Spring Framework became important for Java full-stack development. Spring made it easier to build big business applications by offering lots of helpful features like dependency injection and integration with other Java tools.
  • At the same time, JavaServer Faces (JSF) came out, which made building user interfaces for Java web apps simpler. It took care of a lot of the complicated stuff so developers could focus on making the interface look good.
  • As developers wanted more flexible and lighter frameworks, ones like Hibernate and Apache Wicket became popular. Hibernate made it easier to work with databases by letting developers use Java objects instead of writing SQL queries. Apache Wicket made building web apps easier with its component-based approach.
  • In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of microservices and cloud-native technologies in Java full-stack development. Frameworks like Spring Boot have emerged to help developers build these types of applications more easily.

Overall, frameworks in Java full-stack development have evolved to make building web applications easier and more efficient. They’ve helped developers tackle complexity, improve productivity, and create better web apps using the Java language.

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The top 10 frameworks of Java Full Stack developers

  1. Spring Framework: Spring stands out as one of the most favored Java frameworks for crafting enterprise-level applications. It offers extensive support for features like dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and transaction management.
  1. Spring Boot: Spring Boot, an extension of the Spring Framework, simplifies the setup and configuration of Spring-based applications. It facilitates the swift creation of standalone, production-ready applications with minimal setup hassles.
  1. Hibernate: Hibernate serves as an Object-Relational mapping (ORM) framework, streamlining interactions with databases by mapping Java objects to database tables. This abstraction simplifies database operations, easing the handling of relational databases in Java applications.
  1. JSF (JavaServer Faces): JSF presents itself as a component-based web framework tailored for Java web applications. It furnishes a set of reusable UI components, easing the development of web interfaces by abstracting the complexities of HTML and JavaScript.
  1. Vaadin: Vaadin emerges as a Java framework for constructing web applications entirely using Java. It empowers developers to craft rich, interactive user interfaces on the server side, with the framework handling automatic client-server communication.
  1. Apache Struts: Apache Struts is an MVC-based framework for building web applications. It furnishes a suite of components and libraries for managing HTTP requests, orchestrating application flow, and segregating concerns across model, view, and controller layers.
  1. Apache Wicket: Apache Wicket emerges as a component-based web framework for developing Java web applications. It enables developers to create web pages using reusable components with robust support for object-oriented programming principles, minimizing the need for HTML and JavaScript proficiency.
  1. Play Framework: Play Framework emerges as a lightweight web framework for developing web applications in Java and Scala. It follows a reactive programming model and boasts features like hot code reloading, asynchronous I/O, and in-built testing support.
  1. Grails: Grails presents itself as a web application framework built atop the Groovy programming language and the Spring Framework. It champions convention-over-configuration, allowing developers to swiftly build web applications by capitalizing on existing libraries and plugins.
  1. Dropwizard: Dropwizard surfaces as a Java framework tailored for crafting RESTful web services. It offers a collection of lightweight Java libraries that seamlessly work together to manage HTTP requests, handle resources, and integrate with external systems.

Recommended read: Skills Required to Become Java Full-Stack Developer


Frameworks function as tools that make the process of creating a web application easy. Be it Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, or Apache Struts, they all contribute in their own way to make the process of building web applications easy. Frameworks make the web-building process more interesting by various means, ranging from Spring Framework’s aspect-oriented programming (AOP), Hibernate’s automatic generation of SQL queries, or Apache Struts’s support for interceptors and plugins. A single framework has its uses, and it is up to the individual user to use it in the best possible way for productive use and results.

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