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Working with Data in Python: Data cleaning, Wrangling, and Preprocessing

Published On: April 29, 2023

Information gathering, research, and decision-making all depend heavily on data analysis. Data is produced at a rate never before seen in the modern world, and it is crucial to effectively analyze this data in order to get insightful knowledge. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the data is precise, consistent, and appropriate for analysis before beginning to analyze it. Here is where data cleaning, data wrangling, and data preprocessing are necessary. This post will go through these three processes in depth and show you how to carry them out using Python.

Data Cleaning In Python:

The process of locating and cleaning with incomplete, inaccurate, or inconsistent data is known as data cleaning. It is possible for inaccurate or inconsistent data to produce improper analysis and, ultimately, misleading business outcomes. Data cleaning entails a number of processes, such as the removal or imputation of missing values, the correction of typos or errors, and the handling of outliers or anomalies.

With Python, we may utilize the Pandas library to clean data. Pandas is a strong library for data manipulation and can handle a variety of data cleaning tasks. Let’s take a look at some common python data cleaning tasks and how to accomplish them with Pandas.

  • Managing Missing Data: Missing data is a frequent problem in datasets and can occur for a number of reasons, including errors, data corruption, or system failures. In Python, we can deal with missing data by using the dropna() method, which eliminates all rows or columns that have missing values. As an alternative, we can employ the fillna() technique, which substitutes the column’s mean, median, or mode for any missing values. 
  • Fixing Typos or Errors: Data input mistakes can lead to inconsistent or typographically incorrect data. The Python replace() function, which substitutes a given value with another value, can be used to fix typos or errors. Regular expressions can also be used to find and fix errors or typos.
  • Managing Outliers or Anomalies: Outliers or anomalies are values that differ noticeably from other values in the dataset. Measurement or data input errors are just two examples of the many causes of outliers. The quantile() method, which shows values above or below a specific percentile, can be used to handle outliers or anomalies. Furthermore, we can find outliers by using visualisation techniques like box plots and scatter plots.

Data Wrangling:

Transforming and reorganizing data into a format that is appropriate for analysis is known as data wrangling. Data aggregation, data merging from various sources, and variable transformation are tasks that fall under this step. Data wrangling is crucial since it contributes to the creation of a clean dataset that is simpler to analyze.

For data wrangling tasks, we can use the Pandas library in Python. Let’s have a look at a certain common data wrangling tasks and how to do them with Pandas.

  • Data Aggregation: In data aggregation, data are grouped according to a certain variable, and then a function is applied to each group. By grouping data by a certain column and applying a function to each group, the groupby() method allows us to aggregate data in Python. For instance, we can organize sales data by region and get the total sales for each region.
  • Data Merging: Data Merging is the process of merging data from multiple sources into a single dataset. The Python merge() method allows us to combine two datasets based on a shared column. For instance, using a common customer ID, we can merge customer and sales data.

Transformation of Variables: Converting variables from one form to another is known as variable transformation. The apply() method, which applies a function to each value in a column, allows us to transform variables in Python. For instance, by using the apply() method, we may change a date column to a datetime format.

Data Pre-processing:

Preparing the data for analysis by normalization or scaling, feature selection or extraction, and splitting the data into training and testing sets is known as data pre-processing. The significance of data pre-processing and how to carry it out using Python will be explained below.

  • Scaling and Normalization: Scaling and normalization are crucial methods used in data pre-processing. Normalization is the process of scaling data so that the values range from 0 to 1. This method is helpful when there is a wide range of values in the dataset and we want to compare the data points on an equivalent scale. The min-max scaling technique is one common normalizing method that scales the data using the following formula:

     x_normalized = (x – min(x)) / (max(x) – min(x)) 

Scaling is the process of transforming data so that the mean and the standard deviation are set to 0 and 1 respectively. This method is helpful when comparing data points on a common scale but the data points have various scales or units. The standardization technique is one common scaling technique that scales the data by utilizing the formula:

x_scaled = (x – mean(x)) / std(x) 

  • Feature Extraction and Selection: Data pre-processing techniques like feature selection and extraction are crucial since they involve selecting or extracting the dataset’s most pertinent features. Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of features that are most important to the analysis, whereas feature extraction is the process of creating new features from existing features. 

The correlation matrix, which calculates the correlation between each feature and the target variable, is a common method for selecting features. High correlation coefficient features should be kept because they are more important to the analysis, while low correlation coefficient features can be removed.

Principal component analysis (PCA), a mathematical technique that decreases the dataset’s dimensionality by creating new features that are linear combinations of the existing features, is a common technique for feature extraction. When a dataset has a great deal of features and we want to make it less dimensional to enhance the effectiveness of the analysis, PCA can be helpful.

  • Data Partitioning: Data preparation involves breaking the dataset into two sets: one for training the model and one for testing it. This process is known as partitioning the data into training and testing sets. This stage is crucial because it enables us to assess how well the model performs when applied to new, untested data.

The random split technique, which randomly selects a subset of the data for training the model and a subset of the data for testing the model, is one common method for partitioning the data. The stratified split technique is a further method for ensuring that the proportions of each class in the training and testing sets are identical to the proportions of each class in the original dataset.

Thus, Data preprocessing is an important stage in data analysis since it entails preparing the data for analysis through feature selection or extraction, normalization or scaling, and splitting the data into training and testing sets. These tasks can be carried out using methods provided by Python libraries like Scikit-learn, which can help us increase the precision and dependability of our analyses.

To sum up:

To sum up, data cleaning, data wrangling, and data pre-processing are all crucial phases in the Python data analysis pipeline that guarantee the data is accurate, structured, and in a format that can be utilized for analysis. These procedures, especially data cleaning and wrangling are necessary for producing trustworthy and accurate outcomes as well as for generating data-based decisions that are well-informed.

SLA Institute offers comprehensive Python training in Chennai. Learn from experienced trainers and get hands-on experience with practical projects. Flexible schedules available for all levels of experience., 

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