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Java Developers: Fresher Salary in Top MNC Companies in India

Published On: February 12, 2023


There’s no indication that fresh Java developers can’t land jobs that pay well. Multinational corporations (MNCs) including Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Wipro, and Infosys have issued 40,000, 20,000, and 18,000 job offers to new graduates despite the uncertainties of the pandemic. In addition, the pay and benefits are excellent.

An entry-level Java employee at TCS, for instance, can start with an annual salary of INR 3,60,000. After a few years of service, the cap is raised to INR 6,00,000 annually. Freshers at Infosys can anticipate an annual salary of INR 3,00,000. Enrolling in the Best Java training in Chennai, you can easily land such high-paying Java developer jobs and strengthen your secure future.

However, the most significant challenge that freshers experience in their first jobs is their inability to effectively communicate and deliver their ideas in the workplace. To avoid such problems, recent graduates should undergo extensive professional training. Although most large corporations invest time and resources into training their newly hired college grads, small companies may not be able to do so.

Which MNC pays the highest salary for Java developer freshers?

If you’re just starting out in your career as a Java developer fresher, it’s important to find a company that will make every effort to keep you around for the long haul. In addition to focusing on profits, a good employer would also look out for its workers by providing them with opportunities to advance in their chosen fields. Implementing prompt promotions and introducing flexible policies, would continuously motivate freshers to deliver their best effort.

Considering these criteria, the following IT businesses in India are widely regarded as excellent starting points for freshers:


Wipro is one of the largest IT firms in India, with approximately 1,60,000 people spread across six continents. About 11,000 college grads were hired internationally in 2022, an increase of 1.5% from the year before. It provides consulting and process services to companies interested in implementing automation, robotics, the cloud, and other cutting-edge technology. It’s the finest place for recent engineering and management grads to start their careers because its main mission is to make the digital transition simpler for customers.


Cognizant is widely recognized as one of the best places for new graduates to start their careers in India. For freshers, it provides a wealth of training resources. The staff claims the workplace is welcoming and easy to adjust to for newcomers. Here, the corporate structure is simpler, and there’s an emphasis on balancing work and personal life. At Cognizant, Java developer freshers can expect to make an average yearly salary of more than INR 3,00,000.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

If you can land a job with TCS, consider your future secure. It employs people from over 143 different countries and has a worldwide reach in 46 of them. One of the main draws for freshers is TCS’s rich cultural environment. Women make up around 35.6% of the company’s workforce, making them the largest minority group. The company’s focus on digital platforms, goods, and services makes it an attractive option for many freshers. Make your move to join Java training in Chennai and reserve your employment at TCS through the application of your acquired skills.


Capgemini is widely regarded as one of the top IT employers in India, with a reputation for providing its employees with a dynamic and rewarding workplace. The remuneration package for java developer freshers in Capgemini is around 4.15,000 to 5,00,000 according to their skill categories. In order to motivate workers, the HR division engages in creating a lively workplace. Time and again, they host fun gatherings, excursions, and recreational outings. Finally, the corporation cares deeply about the well-being of its female employees. Aside from fielding a women’s football team, it also hosts one of the most well-attended corporate women’s day festivities.

Tech Mahindra

Tech Mahindra, which is valued at $4.9 billion and employs over a million people in 90 countries, offers a competitive compensation plan. It is the largest IT firm in India, serving 926 clients throughout the world with cutting-edge digital services and products. Starting pay for a tech-savvy associate is around INR 2,70,000, with the potential for growth to a high of INR 5,45,000 over the course of a career there. They care about their employees’ ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance, therefore they provide benefits like flexible scheduling.


Undoubtedly, the company provides the greatest starting wage range in the country. Those with the necessary IT abilities can expect to start with a handsome annual salary of INR 4,00,000. Additionally, they have access to a variety of amenities within the workplace, including a health and wellness program, a fitness center, a variety of games, and a variety of forms of entertainment. It’s no surprise that the staff here maintains a positive attitude and high levels of motivation year-round.


Hexaware is a renowned IT consulting firm that looks to hire people that have a passion for automation and associated technology. The company’s mission is to provide consumers with customized digital solutions by leveraging a mix of human creativity, artistic flair, and cutting-edge innovation. Among freshers, it enjoys a stellar reputation for the numerous educational and professional development options it provides. Hexaware is offering an attractive package of INR. 3,80,00 per annum to Java developer freshers.

What are Java interview questions for freshers?

Here comes the most frequently asked Java inverter questions for freshers.

What is Java?

James Gosling created Java in 1982, which is a high-level programming language. With its object-oriented structure, it’s ideal for creating complex software.

What makes Java a platform-independent language?

The Java programming language was designed to be completely independent of software and hardware. This independence is achieved through the compiler’s generation of platform-independent bytecode.

To put it simply, a machine needs a runtime environment (JRE) installed in order to execute the byte code.

What prevents Java from being a 100% Object Oriented language?

Java is not entirely OOP since it allows for the use of primitive data types including bytes, booleans, characters, integers, floats, longs, and doubles.

Java’s Heap and Stack Memory: What’s the Difference? How is this used in Java?

All programs share a common pool of memory called the stack. It remains fixed, too. Heap memory, on the other hand, is the piece of memory that was not allotted to the Java program but will be accessible to it when needed, often during the program’s runtime.

Is it fair to call Java the ultimate object-oriented language?

We can legitimately assert that Java is a full-featured object-oriented programming language. Basically, anything in Java can be found in the classes. And constructing the objects gives us access to that.

While Java is primarily an object-oriented language, it does allow non-object data types such as int, float, char, boolean, double, etc., so it cannot be considered purely object-oriented.

Java is not strictly an object-oriented language because it provides access to lower-level data structures. Not only are these primitive data types not part of the Integer classes, but they are also not part of any other class.

What makes Java unique compared to C++?

In contrast to Java, which can be either compiled or interpreted, C++ can only be compiled.

Java code can run on any computer, while c++ code can only run on the computer on which it was written.

Programming with pointers is a feature of C++. Java, on the other hand, forbids this. Java utilizes pointers internally.

When compared to Java, C++’s support for multiple inheritances is clear. The diamond problem arises, in part, because of the difficulty involved in avoiding the ambiguity that might be introduced by a name.

In C and C++, data is stored in objects referenced via pointers. What’s the deal with Java not using pointers?

Beginner programmers should avoid using pointers because they are fairly difficult. The use of pointers can be difficult in Java because of the language’s emphasis on code simplicity. Use of a pointer is another possible source of mistakes. Also, since pointers allow users to directly access memory, they are inherently insecure.

This provides an additional layer of abstraction over the underlying implementation by eliminating the need for pointers in Java. Additionally, garbage collection might be slowed down and can become inaccurate due to the use of pointers. Instead of using pointers, which can be easily changed, Java makes use of immutable references.

Explain the difference between a local variable and an instance variable.

A class’s instance variables can be accessed by any of the class’s methods. You’ll find their declarations in the class itself, separate from any associated methods. These variables are used to describe an object’s characteristics and are permanently tied to that object.

Each class instance will have its own copy of the class variables. Any changes made to these variables will only influence the current instance of the class; any other instances of the class will not be impacted.


class player {

public String playerName;

public double playerSpeed;

public int playerAge;


Local variables are ones that exist in a block, function, or constructor but are only accessible from within that scope. The variable is only available within the context of the block. Local variables declared within a method are hidden from the other methods in the same class.


public void Player() {

String playerName;

double playerSpeed;

int playerAge;


When creating a new Java program, what initial values should be given to variables and instances?

  • When using Java, you can’t rely on any predefined values for your variables. Before we can use the value, we must first initialize it. In that case, it will generate a compilation error of (Variable might not be initialized).
  • But if we build the object, then the default constructor will populate the default value according to the data type.
  • We’ll set it to null if it’s a reference.
  • The default value for anything numerical is 0.
  • A false value will be assigned to a boolean. Etc.

Explain what you understand by “data encapsulation.”

  • In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), “Data Encapsulation” refers to the practice of enclosing and hiding data characteristics and their associated behaviors.
  • It aids modularity in software development by requiring that each object be self-contained with its own set of properties, operations, and methods.
  • It is employed to secure an object’s private information, and as a result, works as a data-hiding mechanism.

Describe the JIT compiler.

Just-In-Time, or JIT for short, is a technique used to boost performance while a program is being executed. Combining the compilation of multiple sections of byte code with comparable functionality, it speeds up the overall compilation process.

The compiler’s only function is to convert programs’ primary instructions into a form that can be run on a computer.

Yet, what makes the JIT compiler so unique?

  • We begin by using the javac compiler to transform the Java source code (.java) into byte code (.class).
  • At runtime, JVM loads the.class files and, with the aid of an interpreter, transforms them into machine-readable code.
  • The JVM includes the JIT compiler. To produce more efficient and native code, the JVM examines method calls in.class files and compiles them using the JIT compiler when it is enabled. It also guarantees the best possible performance of the prioritized method calls.
  • After the preceding is complete, the JVM will run the optimized code without further interpretation. 
  • As a result, efficiency and speed of execution are improved.

What makes a String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder distinct from one another?

  • Storage space: In string, the storage space is provided by the String pool. The storage location for StringBuilder and StringBuffer is heap memory.
  • Mutability: While the StringBuilder and the StringBuffer are both mutable, a String is immutable.
  • Efficiency: Using a String takes a lot of time. However, StringBuilder completes operations the quickest. A StringBuffer moves more quickly than a String and slower than a StringBuilder. (For instance, adding a character is fastest in StringBuilder and very slow in String since the new String with the appended character requires a new memory.)
  • Thread-safe: A String is not used in a threaded environment; instead, StringBuilder and StringBuffer are used. However, a StringBuffer: It is appropriate for environments with several threads whereas a StringBuilder is appropriate for environments with just one thread.


// String

String first = “Institute”;

String second = new String(“Institute”);

// StringBuffer

StringBuffer third = new StringBuffer(“Institute”);

// StringBuilder

StringBuilder fourth = new StringBuilder(“Institute”)


Interfaces Vs abstract classes.

  • While non-abstract methods are not allowed in interfaces, they are allowed in abstract classes.
  • Interfaces are the only place static and final variables can be stated, but abstract classes can have both static and non-final variables.
  • Multi-generational inheritance is made easier by interfaces, whereas abstract classes do not encourage it.
  • Class data members of interfaces are, by convention, public access. An abstract class, on the other hand, can also have protected or private members.
  • Abstract classes are useful for implementing interfaces since they allow for easy customization. The opposite, however, is untrue;

Abstract class illustration

public abstract class Cricketer {

public abstract void play();


Interface example:

public interface playable {

void play();


What distinguishes the process from the program?

A piece of code created to carry out a certain purpose might be referred to as a program. whereas the applications that are being run can be referred to as the process.

A program is not directly executed by the CPU. When the program is prepared for execution, the resources are allotted to it, and the procedure then begins.

If a program doesn’t handle exceptions, how does it influence the program?

Runtime errors are exceptions. Let’s say we are using Java to create an Android application. And everything functions OK, however, there is a rare instance where the application attempts to retrieve a file from storage even if the file doesn’t exist (This is the case of exception in java).

In addition, the application will crash if this situation is not handled correctly. Users will have a poor experience as a result. This kind of error is one that the programmer is powerless to prevent. However, there are actions programmers can take to prevent this from happening, keeping the application from crashing. At this stage, the appropriate action can be performed.

Is it required to follow a try block with a catch block?

No, the presence of a catch block following a try block is not required. – Either a catch block or a final block ought to come after a try block. The throws clause of the method should be used to declare exceptions if their likelihood is higher.

What exactly do Java’s marker interfaces mean?

Interfaces without defined methods and constants are referred to as marker interfaces or tagging interfaces. They are there to assist the compiler and JVM in obtaining information about the items connected to run time.

Define Copy Java constructor

When initializing a new object with data from an existing object of the same class, we utilize the copy constructor.

Explain method overloading
The introduction of various methods in the same class with the same name in Java allows for method overloading. Nevertheless, the quantity and nature of parameters vary amongst all functions. It takes place in a class and makes the program easier to read.

Method overloading is not encouraged by the only difference in the method’s return type.

How should dependency be introduced? Mention the purpose as well.

  • The use of any given dependency injection is not restricted. 
  • Setters are typically advised for injecting optional dependencies, whereas constructor arguments are advised for injecting necessary ones. This is due to the fact that constructor injection makes it possible to inject values into immutable fields and makes it easier to read them.

Explain constructor overloading

Constructor overloading is the process of adding additional constructors with the same name but different constructor parameters to a class. The compiler distinguishes between the various types of constructors based on the number of parameters and their related types.

class Institution {

int variable1, variable2;

double variable3;

public Institution(int instructors, int trainers) {

 variable1 = instructors;

 variable2 = trainers;


public Institution(int instructors) {

 variable1 = instructors;


public Institution(double salaries) {

 variable3 = salaries



Explain the way the final keyword is employed in variables, methods, and classes.

The final keyword in Java is used to define something as a constant and stands in for the non-access modifier.

  • When a variable is marked as final in Java, its value cannot be changed after being assigned.
  • Only the class constructor can assign a value to a variable if it hasn’t already received one.
  • final method:
  • A method that has been marked as final cannot be changed by its offspring classes.
  • Because constructors are not inherited when a class is extended, it is not possible to mark one as final. Therefore, it makes no sense to mark it as definitive. Java issues a compilation problem with the message: “Modifier final not allowed here.”
  • last class:
  • The class that is marked as final cannot be inherited by any other classes. However, in order to use it, that final class can extend to other classes.

When is super keyword appropriate?

The super keyword is used to access parent class hidden fields, override methods, and attributes.

The following situations call for the use of this keyword:
when the member names of the class and its child subclasses are the same, accessing data members of the parent class.
to have the child class call the parent class’s default and parameterized constructor.

when the child classes have replaced the parent class’s methods.

How should you prepare for a fresher-level Java developer interview?

When it comes to programming languages, Java is one of the most popular choices. Java has been adopted by most businesses for the development of desktop, web, and mobile applications. Java interviews at product-focused organizations like Google, Amazon, Facebook, or Microsoft are conducted differently than at more typical tech companies.

Tips for acing the Java developer fresher interview

Successfully navigating the Java interview requires familiarity with data structures and algorithms, including the String and the Java programming language. The questions are less difficult and more task-oriented. Java and the Java Development Kit (JDK) are the topics of the quizzes.

Since Java is founded on OOPs principles, there will inevitably be questions about it as well. This means that we need to be well-versed in OOPs fundamentals as well. Questions concerning the Java API, Java ideas, and design patterns are where the attention lies, as these are the areas in which Java shines as the most widely used programming language for applications.

Your proficiency in Java will determine the difficulty of the interview. The interview procedure and questions are not difficult, complicated, or off-topic for a fresher candidate. However, if you’re an experienced guy with more than two years under your belt, the interview process and questions will be more complex and nuanced. The majority of the questions focus on more complex features of Java, like its APIs, AWTs, and swings.

What should you study for a Java developer interview?

A sea of ideas lies within Java. The interviewer has room to ask questions across a wide range of topics. We’ve already warned you that the questions’ difficulty will vary depending on your level of expertise. Questions for a newcomer to Java should focus on the language’s foundational concepts, such as Strings, Collections, hash codes, APIs, and Object-Oriented Programming. An inquiry for a seasoned man may be on the same issue but seem silly to someone less knowledgeable.

A sea of ideas lies within Java. The interviewer has room to ask questions across a wide range of topics. We’ve already warned you that the questions’ difficulty will vary depending on your level of expertise. Questions for a newcomer to Java should focus on the language’s foundational concepts, such as Strings, Collections, hash codes, APIs, and Object-Oriented Programming. An inquiry for a seasoned man may be on the same issue but seem silly to someone less knowledgeable.

  • Java Fundamentals
  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Object-Oriented Concepts
  • Java basics, e.g., equal and hashcode
  • Java Collections Framework
  • Multithreading, concurrency, and thread basic
  • Date type conversion and fundamentals
  • Array
  • String
  • JUnit
  • Garbage Collection
  • Generics and Enum
  • Java IO and NIO
  • SOLID design principles
  • JDBC
  • Abstract class and interface
  • Common Networking Protocols
  • GOF Design Patterns
  • Data structure and algorithm in Java
  • JVM internals
  • Regular expressions
  • XML Processing in Java
  • Date, Time, and Calendar
  • Programming questions
  • Java Best Practices

In order to succeed in job interviews, all Java developers need to understand the aforementioned notion. We need to have a firm grasp of multithreading and concurrency, two of Java’s foundational concepts if we hope to get employment with a company that builds applications using this technology. Generative programming, Generics, and the use of Enum, collections, the Java Virtual Machine’s internals, and garbage collection algorithms.

Similarly, if we want to work for a company that creates Java Web Service-based apps, we need to be familiar with REST API, SOAP API, JSON, XML, and similar technologies.

Wrapping Up

A Java course in Chennai from Softlogic is highly recommended for anyone who is new to the field of Java programming and wants to take a course that will help them not only study Java but also prepare for an interview. This is the greatest Java course available both in classroom mode & online since it is dynamic and covers everything from the fundamentals to the more complex topics while providing students with guidance from experts in the field and placement support.

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