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Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: January 25, 2024

Top Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

A type of business intelligence software that can be used to visualize data from various sources. Tableau can be used to create shareable and interactive dashboards. Tableau simplifies data analysis and representation, and it includes several built-in features that aid in data exploration. Tableau is in high demand as more businesses focus on data analysis. Because of the increased demand for Tableau skills, professionals who possess these skills are being well compensated. Explore our Tableau course syllabus and get updated on industry needs

These are a few of the most common questions that come up during a Tableau interview, gathered from a closed survey that included both experienced and inexperienced candidates. Going through this list will give you a good idea of the types of questions that will be asked, allowing you to go into the interview with confidence. It includes a variety of questions ranging in difficulty from easy to intermediate to advanced. These Tableau Interview Questions and Answers will assist you with a quick recall.

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

What is Tableau?

Tableau is business intelligence software that enables the interactive visualization and manipulation of data. Businesses worldwide utilize it to analyze data and obtain insights for future expansion and improvement. Tableau competes with Apache Superset, Qlik, and Metabase as a leading data analytics and visualization tool.

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What is the purpose of converting analyzed data to visualization?

It becomes clear that the human brain can easily interpret visual inputs. Translating analyzed data into a visual context allows for much better absorption of new insights.

Describe the four best Tableau features.

Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool with four standout features:

  • Tableau allows for real-time data analysis.
  • It gives advanced visualizations (various types of graphs and charts).
  • With Tableau, data collaboration is possible.
  • Tableau also includes a data-blending feature.

What are the measurements and dimensions?

Measures and dimensions are attributes in Tableau that define a specific dataset. Measures are quantifiable quantities of data that are compared to dimensions. Dimensions govern the addition of any number of measures to a single string. For example, an online shop’s inventory may include the total number of items, their prices, the number of items sold historically, the payment mode, and so on. All of these can be regarded as indicators.

Dimensions, on the other hand, are essentially descriptions that allow for visualization. They enable a user to describe a single metric in a variety of ways. All of these descriptions are combined to form a dimension table.

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What are the various Tableau filters?

Tableau has three main filters that are used to limit data pull. They are as follows:

Normal filter: it is used to limit a string of data from a database based on a specific measure or dimension.

Quick is used to dynamically change values across worksheets in a dashboard.

Context: it generates a temporary data source that can be used in any worksheet without interfering with the main dataset.

Each of these filters serves a specific purpose in any given report.

When will you use Tableau’s geographical data type?

In Tableau, you will use a geographical data type to create a map view for any data that contains spatial questions.

What services and products does Tableau provide?

Tableau supports a diverse range of products. The Tableau family of products includes Tableau Server, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Reader, Tableau Online, and Tableau Public.

Explain Tableau’s various data types.

Tableau has seven data types:

  • Boolean (True/False) 
  • Date (Individual Value) 
  • Date and Time
  • Geography
  • Text or String
  • Whole Number
  • Decimal Number

These seven types are commonly observed in visualization in Tableau.

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What is the calculated field in Tableau?

In Tableau desktop version 2019, select ‘Create > Calculated Field’ from the Data pane menu. Create the required formula and name the field.

What is the distinction between continuous and discrete data in Tableau?

Tableau can help you represent data in two ways. Data can be discrete or continuous; discrete data values include separate, individual, and distinct data. Continuous data is defined as data that forms a continuous whole with constant fluctuation and no interruption.

Describe one significant difference between Tableau’s continuous and discrete data.

One significant difference between handling discrete data and continuous data that benefits data analysts and BI analysts is that data analysts can sort discrete fields but cannot sort continuous data fields.

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What is a heat map? Please provide an example.

A heatmap is a type of visualization that uses varying shades of color to show a set of data, with the darkest shade of a specific color denoting an extreme value (high intensity or density). It is commonly used to contrast two or more measures.

To understand the anatomy of the human body and observe the level of warmth depending on the temperature of specific organs, consider using a heatmap. If the red-yellow color scheme is used, the areas that show red will denote the highest temperature.

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Which industries and verticals prefer heat maps over other data visualization methods?

Heat maps are preferred over other forms of representation in industries such as marketing, defense, and consumer data analysis. Heat maps can also be used to gain visual insights into election results and to analyze user behavior on web apps.

In what circumstances would you prefer a treemap over a heat map?

Treemaps are useful when dealing with large quantitative values in hierarchically structured data. Each rectangle set on the same hierarchy level represents a column in a data table.

What are the various platforms from which you can obtain data for process visualization?

Tableau enables us to connect to and pull data from a variety of platforms. Tableau can extract data from simple data storage systems like MS Excel or MS Access as well as complex database systems like Oracle. It can also retrieve data from cloud services such as the Microsoft Azure SQL database, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud SQL.

Tableau Server Interview Questions and Answers

Describe the importance of Tableau data servers.

A data server in Tableau serves two purposes. One advantage is that it enables continuous syncing of all server data, from datasets to past calculations, aliases to definitions, which can then be accessed from anywhere. This allows for a more balanced approach to any given task. As a result, it offers both security and convenience. Second, having a data server eliminates the need to download all required data to a local machine to run a visualization or report. The server can quickly obtain it from the internet.

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Mention all of the Tableau Server’s primary components.

Tableau Server’s primary components are:

  • Application Server
  • Data engine
  • Repository
  • Data Server
  • Gateway
  • VizQL Server
  • Search and License
  • Backgrounder

What are Tableau Server user roles?

On the Tableau data server, user roles grant access to various sensitive data. Data accessibility varies according to level and user role. Tableau provides various types of user roles, such as

  • Site Administrator
  • Server Administrator
  • Interactor
  • Publisher
  • Unlicensed
  • Viewer

Could you list some of the limitations of context filters? (This is a filter-related Tableau interview question.)

There are some limitations to context filters in Tableau. They are as follows:

  • When a data set contains a large amount of data, the context filter requires time.
  • Working with context filters becomes more difficult when the time to market is short.
  • The context filter in Tableau is not suitable for frequent changes.

Tableau data extract and Tableau Map source have what file extension?

The Tableau data extract file extension is ‘.tde’, and the Tableau Map source file extension is ‘.tms’. Tableau Data Extract files are specific files that contain a local copy of the entire data set or a subset of the source data. Tableau Map Source files contain the default map-layer settings that developers must specify for their workbooks.

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Tableau Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Name the many operating systems on which Tableau can be run by developers.

Developers using Mac and Windows systems can utilize Tableau.

LOD expression should be shortened. Why are LOD expressions used?

LOD Expression can be shortened to Level of Detail Expression. Developers and BI analysts utilize this to carry out intricate sourcing-level queries with numerous data dimensions. Developers can also use LOD expressions to determine values at both the source and visualization levels.

What will the Tableau dashboard look like?

A Tableau dashboard is a collection of various data views. These data views are various types of visualizations created by data analysts using Tableau. If the BI analyst or data analyst makes changes to the data, the changes are immediately reflected in the dashboard.

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Is it possible to combine elements from different worksheets and display them in a single view?

We certainly can.

What are the two methods for sorting data in Tableau?

Tableau data can be sorted manually or computationally. Manual sorting involves dragging the dimension field and rearranging it on the fly. To sort the data in computed sorting, we use the sort button on an axis.

Can you identify the various joins available in Tableau?

Tableau joins are the same as SQL joins. They are as follows:

  • Left join
  • Right join
  • Inner join
  • Full outer join

What is the maximum number of Tableau tables you can join?

In Tableau, we can join up to 32 tables. However, the tableau table size must be limited to 255 columns.

The tableau page shelf will be defined in what way?

The page shelf is used to divide a view into a series of pages. Developers can use it to display an alternate representation on separate pages. The page shelf also aids in analyzing the impact of each field on all of the data within a view.

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In what context can we use sets?

Sets can be used to determine a subset of data based on specific conditions. Sets are custom fields that rely on a condition that is computed. For example, a set could include project names with a ₹1 lakh budget as the threshold condition.

What are the different aspects of a web app project?

Dimensions are descriptive data attributes that are stored in the dimension table. We can use descriptive language to represent the dimensions of various characteristics, values, and attributes for a specific project or product. The various dimensions of a web app project include the project name, project type, budget, size, number of developers required, delivery date, and so on.

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Tableau: Advanced Interview Questions and Answers

Mention some important methods for improving Tableau’s performance.

Tableau’s performance can be enhanced in many ways. Some well-known techniques are as follows:

  • We can reduce the scope of data and keep only the information required for our visualization. It will eventually reduce the volume of data, allowing Tableau to process it faster.
  • We can use the extract to make our Tableau workbook run faster.
  • When dealing with numbers, we can avoid using strings and instead use boolean and integer values. Because they move faster than strings.
  • We can hide fields that are unnecessary or unused.
  • We can also do away with unnecessary calculations and sheets.
  • Reducing the number of marks in the view can also aid in avoiding information overload.

How will you explain data disaggregation and aggregation in Tableau?

There are two methods for developing or creating scatter plots: disaggregation and aggregation. These techniques are used by developers to compare and measure data values. Aggregation functions include sum, average, median, count, and so on. In disaggregation, each data source row is examined both dependently and independently.

Why the Tableau Data Engine?

Tableau Data Engine is a powerful Tableau feature that renders data in real-time to provide query responses. It also aids in predictive analysis and integrates the output with the existing data infrastructure. It is not an in-memory Tableau technology because it uses very little computer RAM (primary memory) and stores all of its data in secondary memory (a disk).

What kinds of data can be stored in a Tableau parameter?

Parameters are dynamic values that can be used to replace constant values in a calculation field. Parameters aid in tailoring a program to meet a specific goal. We can enter data in the form of a string with multiple texts, a range of values, or calculated fields. Parameter values allow a data visualization scenario to generate various options.

Describe the steps for adding custom color to your Tableau project.

Using customized color in a Tableau project is a powerful tool. First, save the file in.tps format. Then restart Tableau Desktop. Navigate to the Measures pane and drag the color you want to add from the ‘Color’ drop-down menu. Choose Edit Colors from the color legend menu to open a new dialogue box. Choose your desired color from the palette drop-down list and customize the visualization as needed.

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Tableau Reporting Tool Interview Questions and Answers

Can Tableau reports be automated? If it does, how?

Yes, we can use Tableau to automate reports. First, the Tableau report must be published or released to the Tableau server. There will be an option to schedule reports when publishing. In that section, we must specify when the data should be refreshed.

List some applications for the Tableau reporting tool.

Users can see various types of visualizations using Tableau reporting, such as analyzing forecasts, viewing data trends, or investigating data at granular levels by slicing it as needed. Tables, workbooks, spreadsheets, custom dashboards, PDFs, and other reports are available.

What are bins in Tableau?

Bins in Tableau are equal-sized containers used to store data values that match the bin size, and they aid in the systematic placement of the measure’s value onto bins. For example, suppose you have a Tableau measure with employee ages ranging from 17 to 65, and you need to bin the age data to see how the employee’s value varies by age group.

What are the various role-based licenses that Tableau provides?

Role-based licenses enable a variety of capabilities at various price points. Tableau provides three types of role-based licenses.

Viewer: This license allows users to view and interact with the Tableau server’s workbook.

Creator: This license allows you to use Tableau Desktop as well as Tableau Prep-Builder. This license also allows you to create and publish new workbooks, edit embedded data sources, and create new connections.

Explorer: This license provides access to workbook authoring and collaboration via a web page or browser.

Describe how to connect to a custom SQL query in Tableau.

To connect to a custom SQL query within Tableau, follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch Tableau.

Step 2: Once you’ve connected to your data, go to your Data Source page and double-click the New Custom SQL option.

Step 3: The code editor will appear.

Step 4: You must type your desired query and then press the OK button.

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Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

What is the best way to view a SQL file generated by Tableau Desktop?

By navigating to My Documents on the PC, the developer or software engineer can access the My Tableau Repository folder. The SQL file can be found here by the developer. If the developer or software engineer connects to the data source in real time, they must look for the log.txt or tabprotosrv.txt files to see the Tableau-generated SQL.

Is it possible to perform load testing in Tableau? If so, how so?

Yes, we can use TabJolt to perform load testing in Tableau. It is a server performance test on the Tableau server, and Tableau does not provide direct support for this third-party software. As a result, we can install this performance-testing server with the help of other open-source applications.

What is forecasting in Tableau? Which method does Tableau offer for forecasting?

Forecasting is the prediction of a measure’s future value (rate, cost, and other numerical estimations). In data analysis, there are various types of data forecasting mechanisms available; however, Tableau only provides the exponential smoothing forecasting method.

Which of the following Tableau data visualization techniques will you employ in the following scenarios?

  • To demonstrate the period or duration of any activity.
  • To display total book sales from January to October
  • To present revenue growth by quarter
    • A Gantt chart can be used to show the time or duration of any activity.
    • A treemap can be used to display the aggregate book sales for a specific period.
    • The waterfall chart can be used to show quarterly revenue growth.

How will you incorporate any website into your Tableau dashboard?

The steps for embedding any web page into the Tableau dashboard are as follows:

  • First, we must navigate to our dashboard.
  • We’ll look for the ‘Webpage’ option under ‘Objects’.
  • Select that option by double-clicking it.
  • It will display a dialogue box.
  • In that dialogue box, paste or type your URL or website link.
  • The URL page should be reflected in our dashboard.

How does Tableau determine null and exceptional values? How does Tableau handle such data?

Tableau cannot display data fields with negative values on a logarithmic axis or null values of any type in a graph or chart. Tableau denotes such information with an indicator symbol in the lower right corner. To handle such data, we can click that indicator and select options such as Filter Data and Show Data at the default position.

The ‘filter data’ function removes null values through filtering, so they don’t appear during data visualization, analysis, or calculation.

The ‘Show data’ at the default position option assists in placing the data in the axis’s default location during data visualization.

In what circumstances must we employ the data-blending concept?

When multiple data sources have related data that we can combine to analyze and view, we should employ the data blending concept.

We have a single source and multiple destinations. This data represents the one-way travel of drones from a source to a warehouse to deliver an item. We have the information and want to visualize it. Which Tableau map will you use to depict such an event?

This scenario is best suited to a spider map. Spider maps can be used to represent situations in which we must work with hubs that connect multiple data points via different routes.

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A business has three salespeople. All three of these salespeople are on the road, going from town to town to sell a product. They are not using the same car to get around. They are providing feedback to the company based on their sales experience. In addition, the company tracks each salesperson’s journey paths and feedback over time. Which map is best suited to this scenario?

Flow maps are the best fit for this scenario. Flow maps make it possible to see the traversal path and how it changed over time.

In your opinion, which is better, an extract or a live connection?

Because we can use an extract connection without connecting to the database, it appears to be more beneficial than a live connection. We can also render visualizations without even connecting to a database.

Is Tableau intelligent enough to make strategic acquisitions?

Tableau is capable of strategic acquisition because it can provide knowledge-based insights with rich visuals that other tools cannot. Furthermore, it can organize data for various purposes and improve our methods for producing a clear understanding of data.

Assume a client has assigned you a project in which you must visualize the movement of a cyclone from its inception. In addition, your visualization chart should show when the cyclone entered specific countries. Which Tableau map is most appropriate for this situation?

This scenario is best suited to a flow chart. Flow maps allow us to see the traversal path and how it has changed over time.

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Is there a limit to the number of Tableau rows that can be used?

There is no limit to the number of Tableau rows that can be used. We can extract petabytes of data from any number of rows, and Tableau is intelligent enough to process and retrieve only the data required to visualize your query.

Scenario-based Tableau Interview Questions and Answers

The visualization shows the sum (profit) by zip code. In addition, the customer would like to see “Sum (Profit) at the State Level” in the same visualization. In this case, what kind of function is appropriate?

LOD expressions are used to aggregate outside of the level of detail of the view. In this case, the zip code determines the level of detail. If a developer wants to calculate the sum by profit at the state level,. To build a calculated field and add it to the Detail shelf, users can use the calculation editor or the following LOD expression:

{Fixed [State]: SUM ([Profit])}

This expression will be determined by calculating at the state level, and the ZipCode-related view dimension will be ignored.

The source data includes subcategories such as binders, bookcases, chairs, and copiers. All of these sub-categories must be combined into a single dimension known as “office supplies.” What method can be used to meet this requirement?

A group can be used to combine fields to create a new dimension. Groups can be used to combine data from different dimension values, which appear as a new dimension field under Dimensions once grouped. A group can also be used to improve the data quality of a dashboard. Assume a visualization contains data values such as the United States, USA, or US. In that case, all of these values can be combined into a single group to form a value, such as the United States.

A programmer intends to create a “subset of data” such as “Top 10 customers by sales.” This subset of data can be used to filter other sheets. Which visualization method should be used in this situation?

Sets are used to create data subsets based on parameters, such as the Top 10 Customers by Sales. Manually forming sets from the visualization on the view canvas is possible. After selecting the marks on a scatter graph that you want to use to create a set, click the overlapping circle icon from the pop-up toolbar. Sets can also be generated dynamically from the data section. By right-clicking on any dimension, select Create/Sets. Navigate to the dialogue box’s top.

What does the context filter mean in Tableau 7.0?

Context filters can be used to improve performance when filtering a large data source. The other filters are only applied to records that are returned after the context filter is applied to the data source. This approach avoids applying each filter to every record in the data source.

Context filters can be designed to do the following:

Improve performance: If you have a lot of filters set up or a large data source, your queries may be slow. To improve performance, one or more context filters can be used.

Create a context filter that only includes relevant values, and then build a dependent numerical or top N filter on top of that.

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List some differences between Connect Live, Import All Data, and Import Some Data.

Connect Live creates a direct link to your data. The speed of your data source will have an impact on performance.

Import all data: This option imports an extract from the entire data source into Tableau’s fast data engine.

Import some data: This function takes a subset of your data and imports it into Tableau’s fast data engine. This option requires you to use filters to specify the data you want to extract.

What are Quick Filters in Tableau?

Each worksheet on a dashboard can be filtered using global fast filters to add a dimension to it. They are especially useful for workbooks that use the same data source, which can be difficult and result in slower results.

What is the operation of assuming referential integrity?

In some cases, selecting Assume Referential Integrity from the Data menu will improve query performance. If you choose this option, Tableau will only include the connected table in the query if fields in the view specifically mention it.

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Prepare for a Tableau interview by researching the most frequently asked questions and answers in Tableau interviews at various organizations. You must also understand the fundamental concepts and data visualization in Tableau. Tableau’s important topics include Structure Data for Analysis, Field Types: Dimensions and Measures, Blue and Green, Data Types, Tableau’s Order of Operations, Tableau Data Aggregation, and so on. To answer any Tableau interview questions, you must be well-versed in them. SLA offers the best Tableau training in Chennai, preparing you with industry-ready skills.

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