Software Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placements – SLA Institute

Easy way to IT Job

Core Java Course in Chennai

Live Online & Classroom Training
0% Interest

Our Core Java Training in Chennai will make students learn some of the most in-demand concepts in Core Java such as – OOPs, String Manipulation, Array, Wrapper Classes, Inner Classes, Collection FrameWork, AWT etc. This curriculum will surely make students experts in the concept of Core Java in a shorter span of time. Our Core Java Course with 100% placement support is curated with the help of leading experts from the IT industry, which makes our Core Java Course up-to-date in accordance with the latest trends.

Our SLA Institute is guaranteed to place you in a high-paying Software Developer and other Core Java related job with help of our experienced placement officers. SLA Institute’s Course Syllabus for Core Java covers all topics that are guaranteed to give you a complete understanding of the Core Java Course in Chennai.

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Upcoming Batches

Hands On Training
3-5 Real Time Projects
60-100 Practical Assignments
3+ Assessments / Mock Interviews
October 2024
Week days

2 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training 

1 Hour Aptitude 

1 Hour Communication & Soft Skills

(Suitable for Fresh Jobseekers / Non IT to IT transition)

Course Fee
October 2024
Week ends

4 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training

(Suitable for working IT Professionals)

Course Fee

Save up to 20% in your Course Fee on our Job Seeker Course Series

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100% Assistance


Job-Centered Approach


Convenient Hrs


Online & Classroom



This Course Includes

  • FREE Demo Class
  • 0% EMI Loan Facilities
  • FREE Softskill & Placement Training
  • Tie up with more than 500+ MNCs & Medium Level Companies
  • 100% FREE Placement Assistance
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Training with Real Time Projects
  • Industry-Based Coaching By MNC IT Professionals
Let's Get Started

Expected Criteria for Assured Placement

The following criteria help the placement team guide the candidates to get placed immediately after the course completion through SLA Institute.

  • 80% of coursework completion helps us arrange interviews in required companies.
  • 2 or 3 projects to be done for the selected course to ace the technical round effectively.
  • Ensure attending the placement training right from the first day of the selected course.
  • Practice well with resume building, soft skill, aptitude skill, and profile strengthening.
  • Utilize the internship training program at SLA for the complete technical skills.
  • Collect the course completion certificate and update the copy to the placement team.
  • Ensure your performance indicator meets the expectation of top companies.
  • Always be ready with the updated resume that includes project details done at SLA.
  • Enjoy unlimited interview arrangements along with internal mock interviews.
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+91 89256 88858

SLA's Distinctive Placement Approach


Tech Courses


Expert Mentors


Assignments & Projects


Grooming sessions


Mock Interviews



Objectives of Core Java Course in Chennai

The primary objective of our Core Java Course in Chennai is to make students experts in Java management. This Core Java Course will make students grow into successful and most in-demand Java Developers and more. SLA Institute’s Core Java Course Curriculum is loaded with some of the most useful and rare concepts that will surely give students a complete understanding of Core Java. So, some of those concepts are discussed below:

  • The syllabus begins with fundamental concepts like – OOPs – Object, Constructors, This Keyword, Inheritance, String Manipulation, Array etc.
  • The syllabus then goes a bit deeper into Core Java where students will learn – Wrapper Class – Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character etc.
  • The syllabus then finally goes to advanced topics like – Collection FrameWork, AWT – Components, Event-Delegation-Model, Listeners etc.

Future Scopes for the Core Java Course in Chennai

The following are the scopes available in the future for the Core Java Course:

  • Open Source Contribution: Engaging in open-source Java projects, whether through code contributions, documentation, or active participation in community discussions, enhances both your skills and your standing within the developer community.
  • Entrepreneurship: Armed with Core Java expertise, you can establish your own software development firm or consultancy, providing Java-based solutions to businesses in need.
  • Research and Development: Exploring advanced Java concepts, contributing to research papers, or innovating with Core Java technologies allows you to expand the boundaries of software development possibilities.
  • Certifications and Specializations: Pursuing advanced certifications in Java technologies or specializing in niche areas within Core Java, such as Java EE, Spring Framework, or Android development, validates your skills and boosts your employability.

Achieve Your Goals With SLA

SLA builds your future with comprehensive coursework and unparalleled placement support.
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Core Java Course Syllabus

Download Syllabus

SLA Institute’s Core Java Course Syllabus comes with 100% placement support so students will be guaranteed a placement in an esteemed organization. In addition to that the Core Java  Course Syllabus is also carefully curated with the help of leading professionals and experts from the IT industry with so many hours invested in it. So, everything that our students learn in the Core Java course is fully up-to-date to the current trends in the IT industry, which increases their chances of getting employed.

Core Java Language Environment
  • Object Oriented
  • Platform Independent
  • Automatic Memory Management
  • Compiled / Interpreted Approach
  • Robust
  • Secure
  • Dynamic Linking
  • MultiThreaded
  • Built-In Networking
Java Fundamentals
  • Data Types
  • Operators
  • Control Statements
  • Arrays
  • Enhanced For-Loop
  • Enumerated Types
  • Static Import
  • Auto Boxing
  • C-Style Formatted I/O
  • Variable Arguments
Essentials Of Object-Oriented Programming
  • Object And Class Definition
  • Using Encapsulation To Combine Methods And Data In A Single Class
  • Inheritance And Polymorphism
Writing Java Classes
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • OOP In Java
  • Class Fundamentals
  • Using Objects
  • Constructor
  • Garbage Collection
  • Method Overloading
  • Method Overriding
  • Static Members
  • Understanding Interface
  • Using Interfaces Class
  • Why Packages
  • Understanding Classpath
  • Access Modifiers And Their Scope
Exception Handling
  • Importance Of Exception Handling
  • Exception Propagation
  • Exception Types
  • Using Try And Catch
  • Throw, Throws, Finally
  • Writing User Defined Exceptions
I/O Operations In Java
  • Byte Oriented Streams
  • File Handling
  • Readers And Writers
Multithreaded Programming
  • Introduction To Multi-Threading
  • Understanding Threads And Its States
  • Java Threading Model
  • Thread Class And Runnable Interface
  • Thread Priorities
  • Thread Synchronization
  • Inter Thread Communication
  • Preventing Deadlocks
Accordion TitleDEVELOPING Java APPS
  • Defining A Solution Without Writing Code
  • Organizing A Concept Solution
  • Creating A Program Skeleton
  • Defining Error Checking Requirements
  • Introduction To Application Security
Network Programming
  • Introduction To Networking
  • InetAddress
  • URL
  • TCP Socket And ServerSocket
  • UDP Socket
  • Developing A Chat Application
Java Util Package / Collections Framework
  • Collection And Iterator Interface
  • Enumeration
  • List And ArrayList
  • Vector
  • Comparator
  • Set Interface And SortedSet
  • Hashtable
  • Properties
  • Introduction To Generics
  • Using Built-In Generics Collections
  • Writing Simple Generic Class
  • Bounded Generics
  • Wild Card Generics
Inner Classes
  • Nested Top Level Classes
  • Member Classes
  • Local Classes
  • Anonymous Classes
Abstract Window Toolkit
  • Graphics
  • Color And Font
  • AWT Components/Controls
  • Event Handling And Layouts
Swing Programming
  • Introduction To Swing And MVC Architecture
  • Light Weight Component
  • Swing Hierarchy
  • Atomic Components E.G. JButton, JList And More
  • Intermediate Container E.G. JPanel, JSplitPane And More
  • Top-Level Container E.G. JFrame And JApplet
  • Swing Related Events
JAVA Frameworks
  • Java Framework Struts 2
  • JSF (JavaServer Faces)
  • Spring MVC Framework
  • Wicket Framework
  • Stripes
  • Tapestry
  • RIFE
  • Seam
  • Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
  • OpenXava
  • Apache Axis
  • Hibernate
  • JDOM
  • Java Applet
  • SiteMesh
  • Spark
  • Servlet API

Project Practices on Core Java Training

Project 1Inventory Management System

Develop a console application to manage inventory in retail or warehouse settings. Features include adding and updating items, tracking inventory levels, and generating detailed reports.

Project 2Library Management System

Create a program to oversee library operations, including cataloging books, managing borrower accounts, tracking loans, and calculating fines.

Project 3Student Information System

Build an application for managing student records, covering enrollment, attendance tracking, grades management, and generating academic reports.

Project 4Banking Application

Develop a console-based system for banking operations, featuring account creation, deposit and withdrawal functionalities, fund transfers between accounts, and generating account statements.

Prerequisites for learning Core Java Course in Chennai

SLA Institute does not demand any prerequisites for any course at all. SLA Institute has courses that cover everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics so whether the candidate is a beginner or an expert they will all be accommodated and taught equally in SLA Institute. However having a fundamental understanding of these concepts below will help you understand the Core Java better, However it is completely optional:

  • Fundamental Programming Concepts: It’s essential to understand basic programming concepts such as variables, data types, loops, conditional statements, and functions/methods.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles: Familiarity with OOP concepts including classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation is crucial since Java is an object-oriented language.
  • Understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures: Knowledge of fundamental algorithms (e.g., searching, sorting) and data structures (e.g., arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues) lays a solid foundation for comprehending Java’s capabilities in data handling and algorithms.
  • Proficiency in Control Flow: Being comfortable with control flow mechanisms like decision-making (if-else statements), loops (for, while), and exception handling is vital for developing robust Java programs.

Our Core Java Course in Chennai is fit for:

  • Students eager to excel in Core Java
  • Professionals considering transitioning to Core Java careers
  • IT professionals aspiring to enhance their Core Java skills
  • Java Developers enthusiastic about expanding their expertise
  • Individuals seeking opportunities in the Core Java field.

Job Profile for Core Java Course in Chennai

After finishing the Core Java Course in Chennai, students will be placed in various organizations through SLA Institute. This section will explore the various range of job profiles in which students can possibly be possible be placed as in the Core Java sector:

  • Java Developer: Core Java Course will make students into skilled Java Developer who specializes in developing backend applications using Core Java, applying object-oriented principles and best practices to deliver robust software solutions.
  • Software Developer: Core Java Course will turn students into productive Software Developer who designs, codes, tests, and maintains software applications using Core Java, ensuring adherence to coding standards and optimizing scalability and performance.
  • Web Developer: Core Java Course will transform students into successful Web Developer who focuses on web development using Java technologies like Servlets and JSP for server-side programming, integrating frontend technologies to create dynamic web applications.
  • Application Developer: The SLA Institute makes students into Application Developers who build and maintain standalone or enterprise-level applications using Core Java, incorporating diverse Java libraries, frameworks, and tools to meet specific business needs.
  • Systems Analyst: The SLA Institute will train students into becoming Systems Analyst who analyzes software requirements, designs solutions using Core Java, and translates business requirements into technical specifications for development teams.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer: The SLA Institute will give students ample resources that students will become successful Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer who tests Java applications rigorously to identify bugs, performance bottlenecks, and ensure high software quality through both manual and automated testing methods.
  • Technical Lead: Guides Java development teams by providing technical direction, making architecture decisions, and overseeing the entire project lifecycle from design through deployment.
  • Database Administrator (DBA): Manages databases that interact with Java applications, focusing on performance optimization, security implementation, and maintaining data integrity.
  • Mobile Application Developer: Develops Android applications using Java, leveraging Core Java skills to implement backend functionalities and business logic for mobile devices.
  • Software Engineer: Applies Core Java proficiency across the entire software development process, from gathering requirements and designing solutions to implementing, testing, deploying, and maintaining applications.

Want to learn with a personalized course curriculum?

The Placement Process at SLA Institute

  • To Foster the employability skills among the students
  • Making the students future-ready
  • Career counseling as and when needed
  • Provide equal chances to all students
  • Providing placement help even after completing the course

Core Java Course FAQ

What are the main characteristics of Core Java?

Core Java, also referred to as Java Standard Edition (Java SE), incorporates fundamental attributes like platform independence, robust support for object-oriented programming (OOP), security features, and extensive capabilities for multi-threading. It offers essential libraries and tools necessary for developing Java applications compatible with any platform that runs Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

What are the primary data types available in Java?

Java provides various primitive data types, including int, double, boolean, char, among others. These data types are utilized for defining variables that store different kinds of data in memory. Additionally, Java supports reference types such as classes, interfaces, arrays, and enums.

How is exception handling managed in Core Java?

Exception handling in Core Java enables developers to effectively manage and respond to runtime errors or exceptional circumstances that may arise during program execution. This functionality is implemented using keywords like try, catch, finally, and throw. It allows for the graceful handling of exceptions, preventing sudden program termination and facilitating recovery or appropriate error messaging.

What distinguishes == from the .equals() method in Java?

In Java, the == operator is employed to compare object references, determining if two variables refer to the same object instance in memory. On the contrary, the .equals() method is utilized to compare the content or values of objects. Typically overridden in classes, .equals() provides customized comparison logic based on the object’s properties.

Does SLA Institute provide EMI options in payments?

Yes, SLA Institute does indeed provide EMI options with 0% interest.

What is the branch count for SLA Institute?

SLA Institute has two branches currently – one is in K.K.Nagar and another is in OMR, Navalur. 

How long will it take to learn Core Java?

SLA Institute can make students learn Core Java in 2 months.

Is it easy or hard to learn Core Java?

Learning Core Java can be easy if the student has a good grasp on the fundamental concepts. Mastering Core Java can vary in difficulty depending on factors such as prior programming experience, understanding of OOP principles, access to learning resources, practice, complexity of concepts, personal learning style, and dedication, yet achieving proficiency is feasible with persistence and quality study materials. Nevertheless, SLA Institute will provide students all the resources that will help students learn Core Java effortlessly.

On Average Students Rated The Core Java Course 4.80/5.0

I gained a lot from the Java course at SLA Institute. Their project-oriented training is of great help for freshers like me. Right from the process of enrollment to the placement, everything was well-planned by them.

NarmathaUI Developer

Here is my review of Java training in Chennai from SLA Institute. The trainer was highly proficient and understanding. He went the extra mile in ensuring that we understood the concept properly.

GhaniSoftware Developer

The Java course for which I was trained was very helpful. Both the trainer and placement team ensured that I gained a lot from the training. It was truly an amazing learning experience at SLA Institute!

JulieAPP Developer

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