Software Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placements – SLA Institute

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NodeJs Course in Chennai

Live Online & Classroom Training
0% Interest

Our NodeJS Training in Chennai will make students learn some of the most in-demand concepts in NodeJS such as – NodeJS Modules, Node Package Manager, Creating Web Server, Events, ExpressJS, Database Connectivity, Project Development etc. This curriculum will surely make students experts in NodeJS in a shorter span of time. Our NodeJS Course with 100% placement support is curated with the help of leading experts from the IT industry, which makes our NodeJS Course up-to-date in accordance with the latest trends.

Our SLA Institute is guaranteed to place you in a high-paying Web Development job with help of our experienced placement officers. SLA Institute’s Course Syllabus for NodeJS covers all topics that are guaranteed to give you a holistic understanding of NodeJS Course in Chennai.

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Upcoming Batches

Hands On Training
3-5 Real Time Projects
60-100 Practical Assignments
3+ Assessments / Mock Interviews
October 2024
Week days

2 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training 

1 Hour Aptitude 

1 Hour Communication & Soft Skills

(Suitable for Fresh Jobseekers / Non IT to IT transition)

Course Fee
October 2024
Week ends

4 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training

(Suitable for working IT Professionals)

Course Fee

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Job-Centered Approach


Convenient Hrs


Online & Classroom



This Course Includes

  • FREE Demo Class
  • 0% EMI Loan Facilities
  • FREE Softskill & Placement Training
  • Tie up with more than 500+ MNCs & Medium Level Companies
  • 100% FREE Placement Assistance
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Training with Real Time Projects
  • Industry-Based Coaching By MNC IT Professionals
Let's Get Started

Expected Criteria for Assured Placement

The following criteria help the placement team guide the candidates to get placed immediately after the course completion through SLA Institute.

  • 80% of coursework completion helps us arrange interviews in required companies.
  • 2 or 3 projects to be done for the selected course to ace the technical round effectively.
  • Ensure attending the placement training right from the first day of the selected course.
  • Practice well with resume building, soft skill, aptitude skill, and profile strengthening.
  • Utilize the internship training program at SLA for the complete technical skills.
  • Collect the course completion certificate and update the copy to the placement team.
  • Ensure your performance indicator meets the expectation of top companies.
  • Always be ready with the updated resume that includes project details done at SLA.
  • Enjoy unlimited interview arrangements along with internal mock interviews.
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+91 89256 88858

SLA's Distinctive Placement Approach


Tech Courses


Expert Mentors


Assignments & Projects


Grooming sessions


Mock Interviews



Objectives of NodeJS Course in Chennai

The primary objective of our NodeJS Course in Chennai is to make students experts in Back-end development and other related fields. This NodeJS Course will make students grow into successful and most in-demand Back-end Developers. SLA Institute’s NodeJS Course Curriculum is loaded with some of the most useful and rare concepts that will surely give students a complete understanding of NodeJS. So, some of those concepts are discussed below:

  • The syllabus starts with basic concepts like – functions, buffer, modules, Core Modules etc.
  • Then goes further deep into NodeJS, where it explores – Core Node JS Debugger, Event Emitter Class, Inheriting Events, Returning Event Emitter, Configuring Routes etc.
  • The syllabus finally moves to advanced topics like – Serving Static Files, Connecting String, Configuring, Project Development using Node JS etc. 

Future Scopes for NodeJS Course in Chennai

The following are the scopes available in the future for the NodeJS Course:

  • Growing Popularity: Node.js has become widely adopted in the software development community, especially for creating scalable and real-time applications. Its ecosystem boasts a diverse range of libraries and frameworks that support various application needs.
  • Dominance in Backend Development: With the shift towards microservices architectures and the need for highly responsive backend systems, Node.js is preferred for its non-blocking, event-driven architecture. This design is well-suited for managing concurrent requests efficiently.
  • JavaScript Ubiquity: JavaScript has become ubiquitous on both the client and server sides of web development. Node.js enables developers to leverage their JavaScript skills across the full stack, making them versatile and highly sought after.
  • Support from Major Tech Players: Node.js is backed by major tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, which contributes to its stability and continuous growth. These companies heavily use Node.js in their own products and services.
  • Applications in IoT and Real-Time Systems: Node.js is increasingly being adopted for IoT applications and real-time web applications, such as chat platforms and gaming services, where low-latency and high concurrency are crucial.

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NodeJs Course Syllabus

Download Syllabus

SLA Institute’s NodeJS Course Syllabus comes with 100% placement support so students will be guaranteed a placement in an esteemed organization. In addition to that the NodeJS Course Syllabus is also carefully curated with the help of leading professionals and experts from the IT industry with so many hours invested in it. So, everything that our students learn in the NodeJS course is fully up-to-date to the current trends in the IT industry, which increases their chances of getting employed.

Introduction – Node Js
  • Introduction
  • Environment Setup
  • Node Package Manager
  • Callbacks
  • Events And Event Loop
  • Streams And Buffers
  • Express Framework
  • Introduction To MongoDb
  • Connecting Node.Js To Database
  • Mongoose Module
  • Creating Rest APIs

Project Practices on NodeJs Training

Project 1Basic RESTful API

Develop a RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js. Implement fundamental CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for managing resources such as users or products. This project reinforces understanding of routing, middleware usage, and database integration (using MongoDB or another database system).

Project 2Real-Time Chat Application

Build a real-time chat application utilizing Node.js, Express.js, and This project involves managing WebSocket connections, broadcasting messages to multiple clients, and potentially adding features like private messaging and user authentication.

Project 3Task Management System

Create a task management system where users can create tasks, mark them as completed, edit or delete tasks, and categorize tasks. This project can include user authentication (using Passport.js, for instance) and database interactions (with MongoDB or MySQL).

Project 4 E-commerce Backend

Develop a backend system for an e-commerce site using Node.js, Express.js, and a database such as MongoDB or PostgreSQL. Implement functionalities like product listings, shopping cart management, user authentication, and order processing.

Prerequisites for learning NodeJS Course in Chennai

SLA Institute does not demand any prerequisites for any course at all. SLA Institute has courses that cover everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics so whether the candidate is a beginner or an expert they will all be accommodated and taught equally in SLA Institute. However having a fundamental understanding of these concepts below will help you understand the NodeJS better, However it is completely optional:

  • JavaScript: Fundamental knowledge of JavaScript is crucial as Node.js is built on it. This includes understanding variables, data types, functions, arrays, objects, loops, conditionals, and asynchronous programming (callbacks, promises, async/await).
  • HTML/CSS: Basic proficiency in HTML for creating web pages and CSS for styling is beneficial, especially for those interested in full-stack development where Node.js integrates with frontend technologies.
  • Terminal/Command Line: Familiarity with the command line or terminal is important for tasks such as file navigation, manipulation, installing packages, running Node.js applications, and project management.
  • Git and Version Control: Understanding Git basics helps in managing codebases, collaborating with others, and deploying applications efficiently.

Our NodeJS Course in Chennai is fit for:

  • Students eager to excel in NodeJS
  • Professionals considering transitioning to NodeJS careers
  • IT professionals aspiring to enhance their NodeJS skills
  • Back-End Web Developers enthusiastic about expanding their expertise
  • Individuals seeking opportunities in the NodeJS field.

Job Profile for NodeJS Course in Chennai

After finishing the NodeJS Course in Chennai, students will be placed in various organizations through SLA Institute. This section will explore the various range of job profiles in which students can possibly be possible be placed in the NodeJS sector:

  • Backend Developer: NodeJS Course will make students into successful Backend Developers who will create server-side logic, APIs, and manage databases. Responsibilities often include optimizing applications for scalability and performance with Node JS.
  • Full-Stack Developer: In addition to Node.js backend development, full-stack developers is also a possible career after learning the NodeJS Course where the candidate will work on both frontend and backend using JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. They handle end-to-end development tasks.
  • JavaScript Developer: Node.js proficiency opens doors to roles focusing on JavaScript across various environments, encompassing both frontend and backend development. That can also be considered a real possibility with the NodeJS Course.
  • API Developer: Node.js is favored for building APIs due to its asynchronous and event-driven nature. API developers create powerful APIs that interact efficiently with client applications and services. SLA Institute will provide ample resources that students will be able to become skilled API Developers.
  • DevOps Engineer: SLA Institute’s Knowledge of Node.js is valuable in DevOps roles where engineers automate deployment, scaling, and monitoring of Node.js applications using tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Microservices Developer: Node.js is ideal for developing microservices architectures due to its lightweight and scalable nature. Developers design and implement small, independent services communicating via APIs. This can be a possibility after learning from the skilled trainers in SLA Institute.
  • Backend Architect: Backend architects design and oversee the architecture of backend systems, including Node.js applications. They focus on scalability, reliability, and optimizing performance.
  • Technical Lead: Technical leads with Node.js expertise provide guidance to development teams, ensuring architecture alignment, code quality, and successful implementation of Node.js projects.
  • Startup CTO/Technical Co-Founder: In startup environments, Node.js developers may serve as CTOs or technical co-founders, shaping technology stacks, leading development initiatives, and fostering innovation.

Want to learn with a personalized course curriculum?

The Placement Process at SLA Institute

  • To Foster the employability skills among the students
  • Making the students future-ready
  • Career counseling as and when needed
  • Provide equal chances to all students
  • Providing placement help even after completing the course

NodeJs Course FAQ

What exactly is npm and how does it integrate with Node.js?

npm (Node Package Manager) serves as the primary package manager for Node.js and JavaScript. It simplifies package installation, management, and sharing of code libraries. You can install packages locally with commands like npm install package-name, or globally with npm install -g package-name. The package.json file specifies dependencies and project scripts.

Explain asynchronous programming in Node.js.

Asynchronous programming in Node.js allows the runtime to handle multiple tasks concurrently without blocking other operations. This is achieved through non-blocking, event-driven I/O operations. Common patterns include callbacks, promises, and async/await. Callbacks execute functions passed as arguments upon task completion, promises offer a cleaner alternative to manage asynchronous operations, while async/await simplifies writing asynchronous code resembling synchronous code.

How do you manage errors in Node.js applications?

Effective error handling is critical in Node.js for ensuring application robustness. For synchronous code, use try-catch blocks. For promises, handle errors using .catch(). In asynchronous operations with callbacks, conventionally pass an error as the first argument to the callback function. Node.js provides process.on(‘uncaughtException’, handler) to manage unhandled exceptions globally. Middleware such as express-error-handler centralizes error handling in Express.js web applications.

What are streams in Node.js and why are they valuable?

Streams in Node.js are objects facilitating continuous reading from or writing to data sources. They are ideal for managing large datasets or processing data in chunks, minimizing memory usage by not loading entire datasets at once. Examples include reading from files (fs.createReadStream()), writing to files (fs.createWriteStream()), and piping data between streams (readStream.pipe(writeStream)). Streams enhance application performance by optimizing data processing capabilities.

How many branches does the SLA Institute have?

SLA Institute has two branches, one in K.K. Nagar and another is in Navalur, OMR.

Does SLA Institute provide EMI?

Yes, with 0% interest.

Is it easy to learn NodeJS?

Learning Node.js is facilitated by its foundation in JavaScript, extensive community support, simplified asynchronous programming with callbacks and async/await, robust scalability, and versatility across various application types, although beginners may encounter a learning curve that requires dedication and practice. Which SLA Institute can facilitate.

How long is the Node JS Course?

SLA Institute has Node JS Course with durations of 1-2 months.

On Average Students Rated The NodeJs Course 4.70/5.0

I enrolled in SLA Institute for Node.js training at time of utter confusion. Now I am glad that I made the right decision. The trainer was amiable and the placement team guided me well.

Jaya Balan

I gained immensely through the proficient training of SLA institute. The trainer knew the concepts well, and he carefully cleared all the doubts. The placement team also did their best


I would definitely recommend SLA Institute for Node.js training. The training is outstanding and the placement team supported me in attending the interviews. The lab sessions and assignments were also useful.


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