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Angular JS vs jQuery

Published On: December 18, 2023

Angular JS vs jQuery

Having a digital presence is crucial for every successful organization. The website or web app needs to have a rich user interface (UI), simple navigation, high-quality content, and—most importantly—a fast time-to-market to engage with your target audience. 

This implies minimizing your development time; it is critical to select the appropriate frameworks and tools. With the least amount of time and effort, you can create beautiful websites with JavaScript technologies like jQuery and Angular. What are the different types of data in JavaScript?

Angular and jQuery are well-liked client-side technologies. Although both technologies are extensively used, they are not the same. To assist you in seeing why Angular JS is the best option for your company, we have compared jQuery and Angular in depth in this article. Enroll in our web design training in Chennai and climb up your career ladder easily.

Two Popular JavaScript Frameworks

The complex web development framework Angular JS combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide crucial functionality and a highly sought-after top rank. Furthermore, it provides Angular JS, so developers can construct user-friendly page designs, minimize server load, and enable web browsers to generate and display content dynamically. Learn AngularJS training in Chennai and gain expertise in web design and development.

A free and open-source JavaScript library called jQuery makes client-side web page development easier. It was created in 2006 to make JavaScript more dynamic and interactive by cutting down on code lines under the MIT license. A well-liked library among developers is jQuery. 77.9% of websites, including Yahoo, Netflix, and Amazon, use jQuery. Enroll in our full-stack developer training in Chennai and get expertise in all web development technologies.

What is Angular JS?

A TypeScript-based web framework called AngularJS is used to create highly scalable, cross-platform web apps from the front end. It provides several essential features, including unit testing, dependency injection, two-way data flow, and directives.

Some of the largest companies in the world, like Google, PayPal, and Forbes, use Angular. Many businesses select Angular JS as their front-end framework due to its scalability, fast performance, and user-friendly data binding. Explore what is Angular.

What is jQuery?

A free, open-source JavaScript framework called jQuery is used to make client-side web page development easier. To reduce the number of code lines and increase the interactive and dynamic nature of JavaScript, its developers created it in 2006 and released it under the MIT license. Check out the detailed JavaScript course syllabus at SLA.

Comparative Analysis: AngularJS vs jQuery

The increasing need for single-page applications with simple user interfaces and interesting content has led to a rise in the popularity of this platform among startups and financially secure companies. We can compare them all in depth to see which framework is most appropriate for your next project. 

Linguistic Support

When it comes to programming, Angular uses TypeScript, while jQuery uses JavaScript. Typescript is a JavaScript superset that is typically used to support data grid libraries and API documentation. The most common language, JavaScript, is considered sophisticated and complex by developers, but TypeScript is considered progressive and user-friendly because of its well-organized code, code highlighting, fluid navigation, and visually appealing user interface.

Data Binding in Both Directions

Data synchronization between layers is made possible via Angular’s two-way data binding, which helps to maintain a clean and organized coding structure. The web developer can access the model layer by making modifications to the view layer. All data flows from the model level to others, even though jQuery is one-way.

Related Article: Your Compact Guide to Adding Chat Features to Any Web or Mobile Apps.


Large organizations with intricate process hierarchies and single-page web apps are better served by Angular, whereas jQuery is a constant DOM API specifically used with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Its library also facilitates cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility for front-end development. Do you want to start your web development career? Kick-start with our HTML training in Chennai.


Widgets, themes, UI elements, and a collection of interface interactions make up jQuery’s component set. Additionally, Angular provides the application’s user interface building elements. Its structure is hierarchical as well.

Performance and Speed

Comprehensive analysis makes it evident that jQuery is the best option for small businesses or straightforward projects. While using jQuery might be challenging in large organizations with complex structures, a framework like Angular is required in these situations to manage several projects without compromising performance. Explore the important things that will be covered in our web designing course syllabus

DefinitionFrontend frameworkFrontend library
Programming LanguageBased on TypeScript, an alternative to the JavaScript languageBuilt around the JavaScript scripting language.
Data BindingModel and DOM data binding in both directionsData flows unidirectionally from the Model layer to the View and DOM
SizeAs Angular has so many built-in features, it is monolithic.It is incredibly thin and understated.
Learning CurveMore difficult to understand than jQueryEasy to learn and use
UsageHigh-performance single-page apps and user interfaces are developed with it.Primarily utilized for creating cross-platform web applications and manipulating DOM
ProjectIdeal for extensive, intricate web projectsIt works well for modest projects.

Features of AngularJS

Let’s explore a few of the features that set it apart from the competition for frontend development:

  • The Model-View-Controller architecture of AngularJS makes it easy to distinguish between the application logic, database, and user interface. 
  • It is a fantastic option for big projects requiring some kind of structure and involving several developers. For further details, see our blog post on why the AngularJS architecture is so unique.
  • Every component in the framework’s component-based architecture is autonomous and reusable. The separate nature of the components simplifies unit tests and quality assurance tests.
  • Unit testing allows your team to validate the functionality of the smallest components of the program. Learn more about the types of software testing
  • It has advanced features like Angular directives and two-way data binding, which speed up DOM manipulation and boost web developers’ productivity.
  • Angular is a helpful tool for creating native apps, web apps, and single-page apps. Compared to jQuery, you can construct cross-platform applications that are more sophisticated.

Features of jQuery

Several interesting features of jQuery include:

  • Minimal and lightweight: the main jQuery library only weighs 24 kilobytes. When only the most necessary elements are included, it is incredibly lightweight. You will need to install extra plug-ins and libraries to access the remaining features.
  • The jQuery library minimizes the amount of coding. Significant bandwidth savings are possible, ensuring significantly quicker loading times.
  • jQuery is compatible with all operating systems and browsers. Platform incompatibility with jQuery does not exist.
  • As stated, this JavaScript library has solved the entire issue of writing separate codes and has enhanced the development process by running a single code on all web browsers, including Firefox, Mozilla, Chrome, and Opera.
  • jQuery offers a large number of plug-ins that can assist developers in optimizing it for search engines. One way to make your website SEO-friendly is to use unordered lists when adding jQuery elements. Explore our web design course syllabus.
  • Many tools and plugins are available for jQuery users to work with new capabilities. Third-party plugins provide access to numerous features, including user authentication, CRCF security, and UI elements.

What can you choose for web development? jQuery or Angular.

You need jQuery for

  • A little tool for rapid manipulation of the DOM
  • Incorporating new features into an already-existing website or web application
  • Your website’s animation and other dynamic graphic elements
  • Quick traversal of HTML, processing of events, or Ajax interactions on your page
  • Total adaptability and personalized attributes
  • Using vanilla, or simple, JavaScript

You need AngularJS for

  • Strong error detection and unit testing. When developing online applications that can be tested, Angular is a great option.
  • Interesting and visually stunning apps
  • Quick development
  • A feature-rich framework
  • A well-structured code framework featuring reusable code
  • Applications on a single page


When comparing Angular vs. jQuery, jQuery works best for smaller websites. For single-page applications and other high-performance web projects, Angular is an ideal framework. The technology you choose will depend on what you require for development. Get expertise with these two popular technologies at SLA Institute, the top AngularJS training institute in Chennai.

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